chapter 11- hospital dates

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I wake up. There's a blinding light in my eyes. I try to move "fuck" I mutter there's a pain in my side. Eventually I manage to prop myself up enough to see that Emma has found enough space to sleep next to me. I see her eyes open. "Morning sleepy head '' I say. She jumps up "Alex. You're awake" she exclaims. She hugs me. "Ow. ow. ow. Ow." I say. She jumps back "oh god I'm sorry" she says. I put my thumb up "I'm ok" I say "but what happened after I passed out". Before Emma can tell me Cindy and a doctor arrive. "Ah he's awake perfect" the doctor says. Cindy and the doctor look down at me from the bottom of the bed. Emma is sitting on the bed next to me. "Hit me doc what happened to me?" I ask him. He explains that I caught a couple of stray pellets when the shotgun went off. They did minor damage but the shock and blood loss caused me to pass out. "What about the other guy?" I ask Cindy. Her and Emma share a glance "Alex.... The other guy was Daniel.'' Cindy says I can feel all the colour drain from my face. "I'm sorry repeat that" I say. I'm shocked. Daniel didn't disappear, he faked it and now he's taken john. I'm so confused. "Alex, the other guy was Daniel," Cindy says again. I look between Cindy, Emma and the doctor. "NO, NO, NO IT CAN'T BE MY BROTHER IS MISSING" I shout , thrashing under the covers of the hospital bed. The doctor pulls out a syringe and puts me under.

I come to a couple hours later. Emma and Cindy are arguing. "I told you we should've told him slowly," Emma says. Cindy looks her dead in the eye "oh fuck off he had the right to know it was his brother that tired to kill you two" I see Emma's hand ball up into a fist. "You knew it would go badly, that's why you had the doctor come with anaesthetic" Emma says. She swings for her cousin, taking her off guard. "What the fuck" I say slowly getting out of bed I place myself between the two women. "Right what the fuck is going on" I say struggling to stand up properly. "Alex you should lay down '' Cindy says i look in her eyes there cold and without emotion. "Or what you gonna call the doctor and put me under again" I say. I feel Emma touch my back. "So Cindy, tell me why your boyfriend is trying to kill us," I say. She looks shocked. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE PUT THAT ON ME" she shouts.. I look at Emma who nods at me "well come on he's your boyfriend you've known him better since you were all 15. Me and him have barely spoken since you came into his life" I say. Cindy runs out the room. "Maybe she's involved after all '' I say. The doctor comes back in. "Sorry, I was going to only administer the anaesthetic if I thought you were gonna tear the stitches." he says. He explains how the shotgun pellets tore through half my body but were still in me so moving would've caused me to bleed more. So they pulled off an operation to remove the pellets. He tells me I'm clear to leave but I should rest for a couple days so as to not open the stitches. Emma helps me out of the hospital and we wait for my mum to come and pick us up. She let Emma stay in the house after the attack cus Emma's house was a wreck and a crime scene.

We get back to my house and Emma helps me upstairs. When we get to my bedroom she lays me on the bed and kisses me. It's a passionate one. Her tongue parts my lips and we just lay there for a minute. Eventually she rolls off me and sighs "god I've waited ages for that." she whispers. I kissed her again. "So how does Cindy know it was Daniel that attacked us?" I asked her. Emma looks out the window for a second. "Apparently they watched him run away from the scene but no one saw his face. They took a DNA sample from the bloody mess you made on the floor with him and apparently he had a blood match with Daniel ''I think back to that night. "It wasn't Daniel," I say. Emma looks at me. "What do you mean?" she says. "I've fought that man for years. If it was the real Daniel he wouldn't have been able to deal with the shotgun blast going off." I say. The reason Daniel wouldn't have been able to deal with the shotgun going off is because the recoil of the gun would've destroyed his glass shoulder. He and I broke his shoulder when we were kids playing WWE. we would've been 12 and 13. He had tried to jump down at me from the sofa at home and I had rolled out the way he had hit the floor with so much force that he basically shattered the bones in his shoulder. The doctor had told him he would never be able to do anything physical with that shoulder again. If you did just about anything to that shoulder he'd yell out in pain. "Oh my god I remember he had a weak shoulder." Emma exclaims. We both look at each other "so how the fuck did my brothers blood wind up pouring out our attackers stomach that's what I wanna know" I say.

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