chapter 16- humanity's last hope

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I rack the shotgun again watching as the shell ejects from the gun. I stare at the figures jus hidden in the dark. "OH DON'T TELL ME YOUR SCARED" I shout. I hear what sounds like a blade being drawn and one runs forwards at speed. I fire the gun. He's jumping in mid-air when the shell hits him the body flies backwards through the air falling at the feet of his comrades. Another one steps forward blade already in hand. I rack the shotgun and point it at him. He has the face of an old classmate of mine. He springs forward and I spin past him and fire watching his head explode. I pick up the blade and prepare for the next assault. I don't have to wait long. I barely have time to rack another round. I fire while watching the torso of my attacker explode. The next one is already on me. I parry his attack with my own blade and slash at his face. He falls to the floor and I finish him off with a stab in the chest. The next one is dispatched by a simple shotgun blast. I rack the gun and point it at the next attacker. "Oh fuck off" I mutter. In Front of me is a 6 foot 7 giant. A fist flies in my direction sending me into a wall. "FUCK" I shout I scramble for the shotgun getting there just in time I roll across the floor and fire another shot into the head of the giant it explodes in a purple mist. I pick the blade up off the floor and spin to face my next attacker. I press the trigger and the gun clicks. Empty. "Fuck sake" i mutter

My attacker's blade cuts into my arm and I slash at his torso. Purple ooze sprays all over the palace. I carry on slashing hoping to do more damage. I throw him into the wall and swing the sword severing his legs from the rest of his body. Purple ooze sprays on me. I look at my arm. The jacket I'm wearing is shredded. I pull off the jacket exposing the vest I'm wearing underneath. Going full die hard mode I tear up the jacket and use it as a tourniquet. "IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT" i shout goading my enemy. Another rushes me but is met by the point of my blade it goes through his chest puncturing his insides he carries on running down the length of the blade till he reaches the hilt. I kick his knee and he drops to the floor. I pull the blade out his chest and watch his body fall. "ALEX DUCK '' Emma shouts I duck and she shoots one that's running towards me. "I TOLD YOU TO RUN" I shout to her. "I WASN'T GONNA LOSE YOU" she shouts back. I run over to her "do you see anymore" i ask her. She shakes her head. "Thank fuck" i say before letting out a deep breath. "You're a badass," she says. I laugh "nah just trying to protect you" i say i see her eyes light up then she looks at my arm "oh my god your bleeding" she exclaims. I look down at my arm. The blood has sort of run through the tourniquet I made earlier. And is dripping down my left arm. "We can deal with that later. We need to make sure there's non of these fuckers left" I say. Emma looks at me "there's one more thing we need to do" she says before I have a chance to say anything she kisses me. It's a deep passionate kiss, her tongue parts my lips and I feel our tongues meet. We kissed for what felt like forever but was maybe only 30 seconds. After we pull away I can see that her cheeks are all red. "Thank you for coming back," I say. She smiles, "I never left," she says.

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