chapter 15- secrets beneath

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We slowly inch down the stairs. I keep the gun raised. Eventually we reach the bottom. We're staring into a cave. "What. the. Fuck." Emma says as she shines the light across the walls there covered in the purple ooze we saw earlier when the two bodies got cut open. We carry on slowly walking. When Emma screams out. She falls to the floor. "The fuck" I spin on my heel and see a purple arm holding her ankle without gestation i fire the shotgun severing the arm. The hand lets go off Emma's ankle. She rushes next to me holding onto me. The purple ooze forms a body. "What the fuck" i mutter. I rack the shotgun and the first shell ejects out. I fire aiming for the figure's head. The purple ooze explodes all over the room. "Fuck" I mutter. Emma lets go of me and picks up the torch, we carry on walking and we see a faint figure ahead of us "CINDY?" Emma shouts as the figure turns towards us. It starts to limp over. "Guys thank god" Cindy says I raise the shotgun cautiously. In case it's not actually Cindy when she comes into view it's here. "Whoa watch your pointing that thing Alex" she says. I lower the gun and we rush over to her. "My god are you okay" Emma says, making a fuss over her. "Just a few scratches and an injured leg," she says. She gestures for us to follow her. "I found something" she says we carry on walking through the tunnel till we reach an illuminated room. It's covered in blood and purple ooze. "What the fuck is this. I say to Cindy. She looks at me and I can tell she doesn't know. "WELCOME" a voice booms out. We start looking around for where the voice came from. I raise the gun ready to shoot whatever may be next. "Now, now Alex the gun isn't necessary" the voice says. We see a figure walking towards us from a tunnel on the other side of the room.

Eventually the figure comes into view. It's a short elderly man. He's got grey hair slicked back and he's walking with a cane. "Professor white?" Emma says. I see his face and I remember professor white disappeared months ago after a meteor appeared in the sky but if he was dead his body was never discovered. "Sir what the fuck is going on?" i say. Professor white was my science teacher for years during high school. "Now, now Alex, what have I told you about that kind of language" he says. I raise the gun "i bet you're wondering what's going on and dear children I'll explain it to you" he says. Emma looks between me and Cindy and hugs me to try and calm me down. "Please explain sir. Because you've been missing for a year and since you've been missing people have been disappearing left, right and centre." Cindy says. I still have the gun raised pointing it at him still. "Tell Alex to lower the gun and I'll explain it all to you" i keep the gun pointed at him "WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING EXPALIN YOURSELF OR I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT" I shout pointing the gun right next to his head.

Emma wraps her hand round the barrel and lowers the gun. "Alex no" she whispers in my ear. She lightly moves my hand away from the trigger of the gun. She then wraps her hands around me holding my arm with the shotgun down so the gun points at the floor. "You all remember the meteor from a year ago, right?" He asks us. we nod our heads. "Well that meteor wasn't a meteor at all it was in fact a spaceship, a species called the mimic crashed on our planet because it had been destroyed by mining. They came here to see if earth was a variable planet for their race and I happened to encounter them when they crashed here. The mimic weren't hostile at first till a farmer came over with a shotgun and tried to kill them. He's dead now in fact he's somewhere in these catacombs honestly there a construction marvel." he says. I look at him confused "so you're helping an alien race rebuild their civilization so they can take over the planet." I say. He nods his head. "Basically yes but there's a little more to it. The human race is a cancer Alex. I mean you're willing to blow my brains out. Every human being is a cancer. We're killing our planet slowly but surely and if we're not killing our planet we're killing each other. You tell me why humanity shouldn't be whipped out and replaced by a different race" we all look bemused "what the fuck sir" i say. Emma puts a finger to her lips and gestures for me to shut up. "But why do you think like this sir, you've got a wife and 2 children. You have a job as a science teacher. You have a life among humanity and you're willing to throw it all away for a race of aliens who killed their own planet by mining all the resources from it. That is not essentially what your saying humanity is already doing. Besides what will you do after their invasion is successful and they've killed off humanity ''Emma asks him. I smile. That's the Emma I know. "That is why you were my favourite student Emma, you're smart and capable. Well I see the mimic as the better option. They're not interested in oil and gas. They're not interested in raw materials. They're interested in science and reproduction but to do that they have to use other life forms. This room is where we've been converting the male side of humanity. Every disappearance for the last year has been for the cause. The mimic is dying out, they need to reproduce so we're building an invasion force to convert the rest of the male population." he says. Emma looks at her professor and says "So what about Daniel and my brother, what did you do to them?" i see the professors face brighten up "well the mimic killed them both and then we converted them to become the mimic. It's a simple process: we cut a hole in their face so the mimic can infect the brain and the rest of the body and then they convert to become one of the mimic and then they will be used to convert more of the male gender" he says.

I raise an eyebrow "you're forgetting a really important side of the human race though sir. What about the women of the world? What happens to them when the mimic takes over?" I ask him and he turns to look me in the face. "That's the smartest thing I've heard you say alex. Isn't that obvious they'll be used for breeding. The mimic needs the women to produce more of their race.'' I can see Emma and Cindy's faces screw up in disgust. "Thats fucked up sir. What about your daughter, what would she think?" I ask him. I can see him mull over the thought for a second "she'd thank me for finding her a husband and a lover" he says. I look at him "you're disgusting sir" i say i feel emma let go of my arm with the gun. I raise the gun. "Now, now alex i wouldn't do that." he says i see more figures emerge from the darkness. I motion with my head for Cindy and Emma to run. "I always hated how you treated me like an idiot sir" I say. I bring the shotgun up and fire. I watch as professor whites head explodes, spraying blood and brains all over the room. Cindy and Emma are running as soon as the shell leaves the gun. I rack another round in "BRING IT ON YOU CUNTS" I shout at the obviously shaken figures. 

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