chapter 10- crime scenes

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We arrive at Daniel's work. Emma is ghost white. Cindy brings us both through to the crime scene. But there's not much to see a blood stain on the floor and that's all. "Who was it?" I asked cindy. She turns to Emma "uh it was John" she says. I catch Emma as she passes out. "Fuck" i mummer. I lift her up and start to carry her back to cindy's car. We drive emma back to her house and then Cindy heads back to the crime scene. I sit on the floor next to the sofa we set Emma down on. Eventually she wakes up. "Hey?" she asks a little dazed "what happened?". I look at her and she's back to a normal colour. "You passed out when Cindy told you it was your brother that disappeared," I tell her. She looks ready to cry so i hop up onto the sofa and hug her. She starts to cry into my shoulder so i just sit there holding her for a little while. Trying my best to comfort her "what the fuck is going on" she whispers to me. "I don't know but I wanna know sooner rather than later" i whisper back. She continues to cry into my shoulder for a little while. Eventually she stops "thank you" she whispers. "No problem '' I whisper back. Eventually she lets go of me. She turns on the t.v and I go to make her something to eat. I'm not a wizard in the kitchen but I can make enough for me to eat daily so i give it a whirl. About 20 minutes later I come back to the living room with 2 plates of scrambled egg and toast and stick one in front of Emma "you should eat after passing out like that" i say to her. She looks up at me and says "but i'm not hungry" i raise my eyebrow up to her and say "well ok then" i set my own food down and grab the fork i put on her plate i gather some egg and some toast on the fork. "Here comes the aeroplane" i say. "Okay fuck you" she says after finshing her sentence she keeps her mouth open and eats the eggs and toast. "Am i gonna have to feed you?" I asked her. She flips up her middle finger and takes the fork from me "depends if you wanna try again or not '' she says. There's a thud at the door. "When did your mum and dad say they were coming back?" I asked her. She looks at me "tomorrow" she says. There's a second thud at the door. I slightly peep out from behind the curtain. "Well it's not Cindy, her car isn't out front" i say there's a third third and the sound of part of the door breaking i look at the door. "FUCK THAT" i shout running back into the livingroom. "EMMA GET UP" I shout and scramble for a kitchen knife. The thudding speeds up. "FUCK" someone shouts form the otherside of the door. BANG. I watch as the lock of the door is blown to pieces. I scramble for the assailant, buying Emma enough time to run upstairs. I slash at them with the knife. A little blood spays as I catch them with the knife. There's a shotgun blast. I watch as part of the wall next to me explodes into chunks of plaster. I stab with the knife. Getting our attacker in the stomach the gun drops on the floor. I boot it across the room. They drop to the floor blood pouring from the knife wounds in their stomach. I drop the knife and rush upstairs. I find Emma balled up in her closet. I push the closet door open slowly and she springs at me. She jumps on my back and starts to punch "whoa whoa whoa it's me, it's me" i say she stops. "Holy shit alex im sorry" she jumps off my back. "You're ok. Don't worry, I think I killed them, ''I say. We hear the sirens approaching. I guess one of the neighbours had something to say about the antics. I hear people come running into the house. Me and Emma walk out of the bedroom. When she says "Alex oh my god your bleeding '' I look down at my torso. There's a bloody stain forming on my shirt. "Fu...." I say before I drop to the floor.

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