chapter 6- playhouse

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I wake up the next morning at 7 in the morning and I look around the room confused for a second as to where I am. I then remember where I am. I get up and put the blanket away. I walk over to Emma's kitchen. I open her fridge. I find some bacon and some eggs. I find a couple pans and start to fry some eggs and cook some bacon. 15 minutes later I hear someone come downstairs. I see Emma round the corner. "Morning" I say when she walks in the kitchen. She jumps out of her skin. I suppose she's got used to having the house to herself cus she's come downstairs in just yesterday's t-shirt and a pair of panties. "FUCK ME" she shouts. I laugh "well if you insist" I say. She smiles "you wish alex i forgot i brought you hear let me go and get a little more dressed" i nod my head "WAIT DO YOU WANT TOAST" i yell after her. "YES OF COURSE" she shouts back. I hear her go back upstairs. I put some toast on for the pair of us and go back to the eggs and bacon. I check the freezer and find some sausages as well. I put those in the oven when Emma comes back. She's wearing a pair of purple joggers and her t-shirt from yesterday. "Morning" I say holding back laughter. Her face is scarlet red still from when she came downstairs. "Wipe that stupid grin off your face right now alex" she says holding back her own laughter. It's kinda cute to be honest she's all red faced and embarrassed but also trying not laugh and be intimidating. "Make me" I say. She takes a step towards me and then another and she keeps slowly walking over till I can feel her breath on my face. She lightly slaps me round the face. "Owwwwwwwww why would you do that" I whine.

Trying my best to make it seem like it hurts. "I did tell you to wipe that stupid grin off your face" she says with a slight chuckle. She starts to take a seat at the table. "Fine I'm eating your toast then" I say. She gets up. "You wouldn't dare" she says. The toaster pops the toast out and she scrambles for it. "Fuck you alex" she says trying to run past me. I grab the 4 pieces of toast and run away from her. After a while I'm a little worn out. "Fine Fine I'll give you the toast" I say as she gets closer I raise the hand with the toast in the air. "OK fuck you" she says trying to grab the toast which I'm holding just out of her reach. "This is so unfair" she says, still trying to get the toast out of my hand. "Well, it sucks to be short, i'll give you your toast if you say sorry" I say to her. I watch a devious smile cross her lips. "Hmmmmmm" she says, taking a step closer to me. She stands on her top toes ''I've got another idea" she says. She catches me off guard and kisses me. At that moment I'm sent to heaven. Her lips taste like cherry lip gloss. Her kiss is a little rough but soft at the same time. my arm drops low enough for her to grab the toast and that's when she strikes, ripping two slices from my hand. She then runs off. I stand there stunned for a minute. Holy shit, holy shit Emma just kissed me I can feel my face turn red. "Cheater" I say to her she laughs "well I was never gonna apologise for knocking that silly grin off your face after you scared me" she says. I laugh remembering earlier when she first came in the kitchen "well i can't believe you forgot you brought me here. You were so insistent last night in fact you almost dragged me here" I responded. I watch as she turns red again "i think you secretly wanted that kiss for a little more than the toast" i say. Her face turns even more red than earlier when she walked in with barely any clothes on. "Hmm you do know your face is incredibly red right now" i say to her.

I feel myself start to smile. "N-no w-what d-do y-you mean alex" she says struggling to get the first few words out. Her eyes darted to the floor avoiding my own. Emma never was a good liar. She used to get her words all in a twist. It was quite funny when we grew up. Mostly because she never changed. I'll never forget the day Alex and Cindy got together. In fact that was the day I thought my little crush on Emma was a write off. 

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