chapter 19- aftermarth

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I woke up in the hospital. I look around. My whole body aches and my leg is suspended in the air. "Well fuck guess that's broken" i say. I carry on trying to move my body. I raise the arm I cut fighting the mimic. "yeah you broke your leg" a girl says i almost jump out the bed "oh bloody hell" i look over and see Emma sitting in a chair by my bed. "Hey sorry to scare you" she says laughing all the while "fuck i should've filmed that your face was golden. I stick my middle finger up at her. She walks over and hugs me "i love you really" she whispers. "God get a fucking room you two" Cindy says I look over and see her on the other side of the room. I smile at Emma and she kisses me on the lips. It's a long kiss "EW" Cindy says from the bed across from the room. I stick my middle finger up at her and enjoy Emma's cherry lip gloss. Eventually Emma pulls away and goes to get the doctor. It's just me and Cindy in the room "how's your leg? '' I ask her. She chuckles "only dislocated unlike yours you broke it so badly that the bone was sticking out. Poor Emma nearly passed out when she saw it" she says. "So what now?" I asked her. She looks at me "what do you mean we solved the case. Daniel was killed and then used as a proxy in an alien invasion. We'll have a funeral for him after the doctor discharges you, same with John then we go back to our lives." she says. I look at her "just like that huh?" I asked her. She nods her head. "Yeah as fucked up as that sounds" she says. The doctor comes in.

"How are you feeling Alex?" he asks me. I look at my leg. "A bit helpless" I say the doctor chuckles. "Don't worry this isn't permanent. It was a really bad break" he explains that it'll be awhile till i can walk and shit but that my leg will always be a bit on the weak side. He then leaves me, Cindy and Emma in the room together and we start talking about everything. Then the mayor of our town walks in. He first goes over to Cindy and has a long chat with her about how good her police department was. Then he comes over to me and Emma. "Now by my understanding you two aren't police officers" he says. we nod our heads. "Well I'd like to thank the two of you for putting your lives on the line for the good of our town and the rest of the world. The mayor shakes out hands and explains that the president is going to reward us with 5 million dollars for saving the world. "Holy shit. Oh wait sorry. Thank you very much, ''I say. The mayor smiles "don't you worry about son" he shakes all of our hands once more and leaves.

It's been a couple of days since the mayor's visit and the doctors finally discharged me. Although I'm stuck in crutches or a wheelchair for the next few weeks. In fact me and Emma finally took the time to go on a proper date. There's a new Italian place that just opened so we decide to go there for the date. I arrive a little early in the wheelchair and get shown to the table. Its a corner one the waiter moves one of the chairs out the way for me and i take my spot at the table. Then Emma comes through the door. She looks drop gorgeous in a red dress. I get the feeling Cindy made her wear all the makeup because her lips are red and she's definitely got makeup on. She sits down and she says "oh stop it, pick your jaw up off the floor" I'm still drinking in her beauty in. her blonde hair isn't tied up and is flowing just over her shoulders. Eventually I picked my jaw up off the floor. "What did I do to deserve an angel like you?" I asked her. She laughs. "Alex, you flatter me too much," she says. The date goes perfectly. At the end of the date i say to Emma "want to buy the old farmhouse and barn" she looks at me confused "didn't the FBI repossess it after everything that happened there" i nod my head "yeah but one of the agents phoned me and asked if i wanted to buy it before they put it on the market" she raises her eyebrows "really?" I nod my head.

The next week we get the keys from the FBI. They've cleaned it up for us and replaced the broken floor and the broken doors. We slowly get stuff moved in with help from our parents cus I've still got the broken leg. 

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