chapter 18- the last act

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Present day

I grab a blade off the ground and Emma reloads her pistol. We carry on down the tunnel. "Be ready for anything" i say to her"she nods her head. "After this you're taking me out on a proper date" she says. I laugh "what do you mean this is a date. Who doesn't love a bit of alien hunting? ''I say she laughs. An alien tries to rush at her. I swing the blade beheading it before it can reach her "and they say chivalry is dead" she says with a chuckle we continue walking for a while before we come to a massive illuminated hall. "What the fuck" i say. A purple figure turns to us. It begins to walk towards us. I raise the blade and Emma raise's her gun. "HUMANS. WHERE IS PROFESSOR WHITE?" it shouts at us.

It rushes over to us. "Woman" he says pointing at Emma he reaches for us "perfect another to add to the breeding chamber" he gestures to the rest of the room. As we loom around we see dozens of women chained up. Theres dozens of mimic victims fucking them. "Oh no no no buddy" I say I swing the sword at the mimic severing his arm "ARGH" he shouts stumbling back the other mimics turn from their prizes and look towards the action and commotion we're causing. The mimics stop fuckign the hostage women and start running at us. There's a small army. Emma starts letting loose with the gun. I run forwards meeting the mimic army. I start slicing away. The purple figure gets on his feet and starts to charge me "I AM SAS-EL CHAMPION OF ZORG" he shouts he draws a blade with hsi remaining arm and starts to swing at me his blood is spraying everywhere as he swings for me i duck under his strikes and when his guard i down i swing for his legs. I swing and cut his knee off sending a flurry of purple ooze in my direction "yuck" I say I carry on cutting at his legs till he drops to the floor "" he says weakly. "me, I'm alex and you fuckers killed my brother" i swing the sword cutting his head off it rolls across the floor stopping at the feet of the horde of mimics who where watching the fight. They start to charge me so I start swinging with the blade. Emma starts shooting as well.

Eventually we wipe out the mimics. In the chamber. We carry on walking "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" a voice booms "SAS-EL WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" we see another purple figure arrive in the chamber. "OH MY FUCKING GOD WHO ARE YOU TWO" he shouts looking at us two. I look at him and shout "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? YOU UGLY PURPLE CUNT" the one in front of us looks different to sas-el. He has a ballooning head and eight eyes. "I AM THE HIVEMIND ZOREN-EL YOU HAVE KILLED THE LAST OF MY RACE" i look at him and laugh "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT HUMAN" he shouts i carry on laughing. "You, have you looked in a mirror? And yes we have just whipped out the rest of your race. Shouldn't have fucked with earth mate cus earth fucks back" i run forward blade drawn. I'm met by a purple hand. I fly through the air and smash into a wall. "FUCK" i shout. I watch as Emma points the gun at zorren-el. She shoots again and again and again till the gun clicks empty. I watch as the hivemind falls to the floor, purple blood covering the floor. Emma runs over to me "Alex are you okay" she exclaims as she nears me. I start laughing when she gets to me "he was one ugly mother fucker huh" i say. I see Emma's look of concern turn to a smile for a second. "Behave you. Now is not the time for predator references" she helps me to my feet. "Can you walk?" she asks me. I try to walk and nearly fall over. She catches me. "Right, come on," she says. She wraps my arm around her neck and I feel her arm around mine.

We start to walk back the way we came. The purple shit that was all over the walls is disappearing. "Holy shit we did it '' I say. Emma nods her head. We carry on walking, making it back to professor whites operating room from hell. CRACK. "What the fuck" emma says we turn around "SHIT" she shouts suddenly shes dragging me along faster then i see it the tunnels are collapsing. We barely made it up the stairs before everything collapsed. Cindy is there with a bunch of police officers and paramedics, one of them is half carrying Cindy because of her leg.i look down at my own leg and see a piece of bone sticking out "oh fuck" i say before fainting. 

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