Chapter 2: I Promise

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Patrick fell onto my couch and took a long sip from the bud light bottle in his hand. He looked up at me and laughed at me checking my phone every five minute, "you alright there, Jonny?"

I looked up and nodded, "I'm fine yeah. Uh lemme go grab another beer. You need anything?" I asked.

"Nope. Just go call the girl and come back so we can watch the movie."

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. After hoisting myself onto the counter I dialed Finn's number to call her back.

"Hey, Jonny?" She asked.

"Hey. What's up? You alright you sound kinda groggy." I inferred.

"I'm fine. I'm in the hospital and they're pumping me full of pain meds. Do you think you could come get me? I hate to bother you but I don't have anyone else." She explained.

Her words began to slur and I could tell she was about to fall asleep. "Yeah Finn. I'm on my way." I promised before hanging up.

I walked into the living room and snatched the beer from Kane.

"What?" He asked fiercely.

"We've gotta go get Finely from the hospital." I explained. He stood up and pulled on the jacket laying next to him.

The car ride was silent except for occasional sighs when songs that neither Pat nor I liked. We pulled into the hospital parking lot and walked in.

A nurse walked up to me and a smile spread across her face, "Mr. Toews can I help you?" She begged.

"Yes I'm actually looking for someone. Finely Martin?" I responded.

She looked down at her tablet and typed a few things in, "yes sir. She's in bed 3. Admitted for bruises along her left side and a scratch, probably from a steak knife, on her right arm."

I thanked her then rushed over to where Finely was sleeping. A bandage wrapped around her arm and her face puffy from what looked to be a black eye. I sat down in the chair next to her and leaned over the bed.

Her eyes blinked open and a half grin came across her face, "Toews."

"Martin," I chuckled, "got pretty banged up didn't you?"

She smiled and nodded yes, "guess I did."

The doctor tapped my shoulder and motioned for me to follow him. I got up and we walked over to a nurses station, "are you the husband?" He asked.

"Oh no I'm just a friend. I didn't even know Finely was married." I explained.

"Well as her friend you need to find out just what's going on. This is the fourth time she's been in here in the last two months. Every excuse is the same but the wounds are always different and get worse every time. Maybe she did fall down the stairs but if she keeps going at this pace she won't last long." He explained.

I leaned back against the table and looked at Finn laying in the bed. "I'll take care of it. When can I take her home?" I asked.

"She's free to go now."

I smiled and walked over to help her. I took my jacket off and wrapped it around Finn's shoulders. We walked out and she got into my car while Kane took hers.

"Finn," I said. She looked over at me then back ahead.

"I don't want to talk about it, Toews." She snapped.

I reached over and placed my hand on her knee, "okay. That's fine. Where's home?"

She entered the address into the navigation system and I got off onto the nearest exit.

We pulled into her driveway and I looked at her house. A two story Victorian style house lit up in front of us. Finn looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks for the ride, Jonny." She whispered.

"You're welcome. I'll see you at practice tomorrow!"

She got out of the car and walked into the house. Kane climbed into my car and I backed out of the drive.

"What's wrong man?" He asked.

"Dude she's married." I sighed, "and I think her husband's the one doing that to her."

"Jonathan are you serious?" He asked.

"Yes Patrick I am!" I yelled.

He looked at me and patted my back, "it'll be fine. You'll figure it out. You always do."

The next morning I rushed into practice with a cup of coffee in one hand and a Chick Fil A bag in the other.

Finely rushed around her office looking for god knows what.

"Morning Finn!" I exclaimed with a smirk on my face.

"Jonny hey!"

I put the food and coffee on her desk, "brought you breakfast."

"Jonny you went to two different places just to get me breakfast?" She asked.

"Yeah I heard from a little bird that you love the coffee shop on the corner near your place and that chicken Minnie's are your favorite breakfast food. So yeah I went to two different places."

"You're sweet. Sit down. I feel like I should explain last night."

"No it's fine, Finn, you don't have to talk about it right now."

"You sure?" She asked.

"I'm positive, Princess." I smiled.

Oh Captain, My Captain: Jonathan ToewsWhere stories live. Discover now