chapter 10: never stopped

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"well I'm going to miss you," I laughed. Finn shut the back door to her car and walked over to me. aviators sat on the bridge of her nose. it was one of the prettier winter days in Chicago so she was wearing only leggings and a hoodie.

"I'll miss you too, Jonnyboy!" she exclaimed before pressing her lips to mine.

I ran my fingers through her long brown hair and moved my lips to her collarbone.

"I wish I could go. the idea of you and Walt alone in a house together pisses me off," I huffed.

she looked at me with a slight grin and pushed my hair out of my eyes even though it always falls right back in my eyes.

"I know you don't like it but baby this is how it is. I'm sorry. I'll see you when I get back okay?"

"okay. I love you, Finn. stay safe. call me when your plane lands."

she smiled and kissed me before getting into the car. I looked down at the grey pullover I was wearing and pulled it off and threw it into the car. it fell in her lap and she looked down at it as her hands gripped it.

"Jon you wear this thing everyday. don't you think you'll miss it. plus I have plenty of your t-shirts with me."

"I know but-" I paused for a moment and leaned against the car, "just take it. I love you princess."

"I'll see you in a week," she said before backing out of my driveway. I watched her speed off towards the airport and tried not to look like a complete idiot.

Finn's POV:

i stuffed my hoodie into my carry on then pulled Jon's over my head. my parents stood huddled around walt and his parents while waiting for me to arrive. I walked up to them and watched as they smiled.

"Finely!" my mom exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me.

"hey mom. dad Mr. and Mrs. Martin," I said.

Walt appeared behind them and flashed a smile. he looked good. brown hair covered by a vineyard vines hat. shorts and a t-shirt. just typical him.

"Finn," he smiled.

I waved to him then looked down at my phone.

"mom I've gotta go call Jon," I explained.

"wait until we get to the lodge! you just got here. enjoy time with Walt and us."

I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket. we walked out of the airport and headed to the three house we rented for the next week. one for my parents, one for Walt's, and one for Walt and I. after the divorce they couldn't get the money back on the house so I was stuck with him.

we walked in and dropped our bags on the floor.

"so how's Jonathan?" he asked.

"he's good. why do you care?"

"he's the jerk that took the woman I love from me. I was hoping he'd be doing awful but then again with a girl like you there's no way he could be doing bad," he explained.

I looked at him. he pressed his hand to my waist and looked down at me.

"you still love me. there's no way you don't. I know I ruined it but baby we can always try again. I should've loved you more. I should've started a family with you," he whispered against me. "I've been a wreck since you left. I've been upside down and I can't find my way back to normal without you."

"Walter," my voice trailed off, "I never stopped loving you."

Oh Captain, My Captain: Jonathan ToewsWhere stories live. Discover now