chapter 16: sick

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I stepped of the scale and sighed. I'd gained another five pounds in only two months. I was throwing up constantly and heart burn started kicking my ass once again.

I hopped in the shower and rinsed off before getting back out and throwing on sweats and Jaimie's hoodie. after trudging down the stairs I cooked breakfast for myself. my phone rang and Jaimie's name came across the screen.

"good morning sexy," I giggled seductively

"hello to you too baby girl," he laughed, "I won't be home tonight so what are your plans?"

I sighed and stared down at the envelope with Jon's name on it and the plane ticket to Chicago poking out of the side.

"I think I'm going to fly home tonight. it's been a while since I saw my family," I lied. despite the truth in not seeing them, I really didn't want to see them.

"well okay baby. I'll be back in Dallas in a few weeks."

"alright. call me when you land."

"I will. I love you, sweetheart!"

I responded I love you too then clicked the end button. I grabbed my duffle bag from the stairs and set off for the airport. for Jonathan.

my flight landed around 2:30 and I was in Jon's bed by 3:30. my back was to him as he traced his name with his thumb on my spine.

"I love you," he mumbled, almost silently.

I was preparing to respond but was quickly interrupted. I rolled out of the bed and sprinted to the bathroom and emptied my stomach contents. I heard Jon shuffle through the room and slide into the bathroom onto his knees.

he pulled my hair back and rubbed my shoulders.

"it's okay." he promised me. "I got you."

I stood back up and walked back to the bed. "maybe all the throwing up I've been doing with balance out the weight I've gained."

"well you don't look any different to me. just as beautiful, if not more, as the day I met you."

I giggled and curled into his side. he gently rubbed circles on my stomach and quietly sang the lyrics to one of our favorite songs.


I cleaned the pan of eggs up and listened as the shower started. she'd gotten sick again but oddly enough never felt bad afterwards. this time she didn't even eat. the smell itself made her sick.

i grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge and walked up the stairs and left it on the counter next to her towel.

i pulled a hoodie from my closet and put it on then got ready for my run. we had a game tonight so I grabbed my stick and a street puck then went out and started stick handling while I ran.

when I got back Finn sat happily on my counter. she took another bite of the sandwich she must've made herself.

"how you feeling?" I asked her.

"never better! super hungry. this is my second sandwich!"

"well I'm happy you feel better. think you may wanna go to the game tonight?"

her eyes lit up, "yes. yes. yes." she exclaimed before jumping down from the counter and running to get ready I guess.

"leaving here at 5:30!"

Oh Captain, My Captain: Jonathan ToewsWhere stories live. Discover now