Chapter 3: Millie

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My mouth curved into a smile as the girl sitting across from me bit her bottom lip back. She took another sip of her wine and leaned in close to me. Blonde hair covered her bare shoulders and the dress she was wearing was just tight enough to leave me guessing.

She pressed her lips to my ear and pulled down my tie,"How bout we get out of here," she suggested.

I smiled and began to responded when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, "one moment," I said.

I got out of my seat and walked to the front door of the café we were eating in.

"Finn? You alright," I asked.

"Yeah just stay on the line please." She confirmed.

I stuck my free hand into my pocket and listened as sounds came from the other side. Moments later a few breaths came and finely spoke through the phone, "thanks, Jonny. I'll see you tomorrow." Then the line went dead.

I walked back to Millie and smiled down, "let's go."

She stood up and situated her dress before following me back to my car. My hand wrapped around hers as we traveled down the street of downtown Chicago.

"So Jonny," she said.

"Yes ma'am?"

"We've now been on fifteen dates. I think it's time we had the talk."

I stopped and looked down at her. My hand pushed a strand of hair behind her ear before responding, "Millie do you want to be my girlfriend?"

She smiled and pressed her lips to mine. I kissed back but in my mind it was Finely. I thought of the way she would feel, how her kiss would taste. I began to forget it wasn't her I was kissing, but Millie.

I leaned back and smiled before leading her to the car. We drove to my place and parted ways.

As she backed out of my driveway I thought about what exactly I was about to do to her. I wasn't in love with her, I never would be yet I was leading her on to believe someday she'd be it.

I walked in and dropped my keys on the counter then went to bed to get a few hours of sleep before we left for Winnipeg tomorrow.

I hit the mattress but the doorbell sounded seconds later. I opened the door and there stood Finely. She kissed me fiercely.

"I'm done pretending. We can't fake this anymore." She stressed.

"Fake what exactly? I know what I'm faking but what are you faking?"

"Jonathan Bryan Toews," she sighed, "I love you. I shouldn't love you but I love you."

I smirked and pulled her in for another kiss, "we shouldn't do this but honestly I don't care anymore."

She was about to answer when a buzzing noise started to sound. Suddenly I was awake. It was all a dream. Everything with Finn was a dream.

I got out of bed and dialed Millie's number before walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on.

"Hello," a groggy voice said.

"Good morning, Beautiful." I chuckled.

"Baby do you understand what time it is?" She asked.

"5:36 a.m. I'm sorry I just wanted to tell you that I had fun last night and you have to get up and see me before I leave anyways." I explained.

"I'm on the way. Better have coffee!"

I hung up and jumped in the shower before she got there. Millie walked into my house 30 minutes later and our lips met instantly. She took a sip of coffee then walked to my room to pick out my suit for the day. I watched her go through the closet before she finally picked one.

"Thank you beautiful."

Oh Captain, My Captain: Jonathan ToewsWhere stories live. Discover now