chapter 18

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as months passed and Fin and I drifted, Ary and I grew so much closer. she was an amazing person and worth the chase she put me through.

I wrapped an arm around her waist and led her into the locker room. we'd been dating for about six months now and it was something that I didn't regret for a moment. she was a teacher here in Chicago but grew up in Montreal.

she kissed my cheek and grabbed my tie, "good luck. score lots of goals!"

"I will. go see Jason and Rous but make sure they know that you belong in only a Hawks jersey ."

"I will. I love you, Jonathan."

"I love you too, princess." I smiled. she skipped off to the stars locker room. I sighed but I had to get used to her around him. they'd been friends for a while but I'd already lost one girl
to a star. another one wasn't preferred.

I realized my phone was still in the car so I grabbed the keys and walked back out. as I
reached the exit of the locker room I saw her. she leaned against wall and looked at me.

"Jon." finely smiled

I looked at her but my eyes gravitated to her stomach.


"pregnant. I know. I meant to tell you but I never knew how." she sighed.

"well congratulations. Jamie is a lucky guy."

"Jon," she reached for my arm. I moved back and rolled my eyes.

"stop," I growled, "you made your choice. I am
happy with my life. I am happy with my girlfriend and my friends and my situation so stop."

"girlfriend?" she asked.

"yeah. Ary Demers. she's Jason's cousin."

"yeah. I saw her. she's pretty Jon."

"look I've gotta go but," I began to say but she pushed me against the wall of the room. my hands gripped her waist and lips reached for hers. "we can't."

"I miss you Jonny," she sobbed.

"you chose your path. now follow through with it." I walked out from between her and the wall and to my car. I leaned against my door and I sighed and held back a few tears. I'm happy don't get me wrong but I never began to
imagine she's pregnant.

i trotted back to the locker room and began getting ready for the game.

Ary: I met your ex...

Jon: yeah?

Ary: what happened there?

Jon: another story for another night. I'll see you later tonight. I love you. don't talk to her.

I turned my phone off and threw it into bag. I had to get my head in the game so I popped my headphones in and listened to g-eazy.

finally it was time for warm ups and honestly I was ready. I was ready to shower her I am better off without her even though I'm not quite sure I am

Oh Captain, My Captain: Jonathan ToewsWhere stories live. Discover now