chapter 9: useing him against me

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i fell in love with her every time she looked at me that way. her eyes widened, and observed the world around her because whatever was there made her happier. the corners of her mouth turned up and she beamed a beautiful smile that only God himself could create. her cheeks went pink and flushed violently because by the time we noticed each other she knew I was falling for her too. i had to remind myself constantly that this girl was mine. that every inch of her was mine to protect and that I had the honor to do that for the rest of my life.

she walked over to me and kissed me lovingly. a single kiss pushed away the sanity I had instilled in me and suddenly I was once again belonging to her.

"magnifique" I whispered against the kiss.

we fell against the wall in the hall of my parents house. they'd be back any moment but somehow that slipped our minds.

she gazed up at me with big brown eyes and drowned me in them.

"tu me rends fou" I spoke softly.

she smiled once again and intertwined our fingers above her head, "I love the French, but then again I have no idea what you are saying, Jonny."

"we can just keep it that way, beauté divine" I explained.

she shook her head and kissed me again. we stood there for what felt like hours until the key entered the front door lock and we realized my parents were home. she pulled back and walked into the kitchen as I greeted my parents at the door.

"nice shade of lipstick you have there, son." my dad joked.

I rubbed my mouth and walked into the kitchen. my arms extended around Finn's waist and she giggled as my lips pressed to her neck.

"I love you," I promised.

"yeah and your mom is watching you show how much. now stop please."

I pulled back and walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Finley looked at me a little puzzled but realized just how bad what she said came out.

"I love you too, Jon."

I nodded and scrolled through my phone.

"so Finley," my mom announced, "will you be joining us for Christmas," she asked.

"oh no I won't be. I have a family thing I have to be at. my parents go with another family every year," she explained.

"you mean the Walt thing?" I asked.

she nodded yes, "yeah. we've done it every year since I was a kid. it's how I met him."

I rolled my eyes and mumbled in French under my breath.

"Jonathan Bryan don't you ever say that in front of me again!" my mom snapped.

"what'd he say?" Finn asked.

"trust me you don't want to know!"

I laughed and pushed my fingers through my hair. Finley looked over at me with a hurt look.

"I actually loved him, Jonathan, he may have hurt me in more ways than one but I did love him." she snapped.

"he also broke three of your ribs and punctured your lung," I argued back, "you have a scar down your back from the time he threw a beer bottle at you. there's a bruise on your thigh that's the shape of his hand!"

my mom looked at us with a horrified expression.

"screw off, Jonny!" Finley yelled as she stormed off to the back porch.

I looked at my mom urging me on to chase after her. I got up from the chair and walked out to her.

"Finn," I sighed.

"don't talk to me. I can't believe you Jonathan! you were a complete ass in there. you know the story behind him and I and yet you still act like he's the enemy!"

"because he is! he hurt you, he beat you and I nursed you back to health because damn it I cared too much. I understand he was your first love and whatever but I'm still here. I'm still fighting for you!"

"there's no need to fight, Jon, you have me. I'm yours," she promised.

"it doesn't always feel like it."

"well if that's how you feel maybe we should break up!"

"Finley don't you dare say that to me. it's not funny!"

"I mean it Jon! if you aren't happy just say so!"

"what do you mean? I'm very happy with you. my life revolves around you!"

"then don't worry about a problem that doesn't exist!"

I walked over to her and cupped her face in my hands. we kissed softly.

"please don't say you're breaking up with me unless you honest to God mean it. I can't live without you. I tried and it's not really living."

Oh Captain, My Captain: Jonathan ToewsWhere stories live. Discover now