chapter 15: liar liar

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I slammed my fist through the drywall and let out a yell. my hand started to pour blood and I just watched it. watched it drip onto the floor

I smelt like booze. my head hurt from my buzz ending and her name was on my lips. she slept in the room above me. I walked up the stairs and watched her sleep. we broke the streak.

her phone on the bed side table lit up again. I checked it and saw Jamie's number come across for at least the millionth time tonight. we'd beat them 2-0 and I decided I was taking her home tonight.

"Finn," I woke her up. she rolled over and placed her hand on my thigh. I dropped her phone next to her, "might wanna answer that."

she leaned up and dialed his number. I stumbled back down the stairs to make her something to eat.

"hey Jon can you help me?" she asked. I turned around and grabbed the Bobbie pin from her hand and slipped it into her hair. she kissed me lightly before parting and grabbing a water from the fridge.

"what'd you tell him?" I asked.

"that I was with some friends. nothing too descriptive but nothing too shallow. he won't question it. trust me."

I nodded and dumped the eggs onto a plate and slid it over to her. she took a bite then pulled me over to her. "I love you," she whispered.

"mhm," I responded trying desperately not to make her upset.

"say it back, Jon."

"why would I tell you something I mean in response to something you don't?"

"what the hell? I do love you!"

"then why did you walk away," I demanded, "why did you walk away Finn. I made it work. I worked my ass off to make sure it worked and you just gave up."

"Jon, I-" she stuttered.

"I love you damn it. but I don't know what you want me to say!"

she stood up and disappeared into the dark hallway but returned a few minutes later holding my jacket.

"the jacket you gave me when you left. yeah I uh I kept it. I slept with it every night. you want it back?"

"no I don't want it back. I want you back."

she walked into my embrace and wrapped my arms around her.

"I've missed this. you." she spoke into
my chest. I pulled my fingers through her long hair.

"a friends?" I laughed, "he wouldn't believe that baby. all of your friends Blackhawk players."

"I know. I know. but it's all I could think."

I unwrapped my arms and spun her around before walking into the living room.

"you're such a liar."

"liar liar," she yelled

"pants on fire," I responded.

Finn followed after me and sat next to me. I turned on highlights from the game but could barely focus.

"baby I can't focus."

"three am isn't meant for sports highlights, Toews" she joked with her lips on my neck.

"then what's it meant for?" I asked still focusing on ESPN

"guess you'll never find out," she jumped up from the couch and started towards my room.

"tease!" I exclaimed.

"your fault captain!"

Oh Captain, My Captain: Jonathan ToewsWhere stories live. Discover now