chapter 14: wrecked

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Finn's pov:

my chest tightened. his eyes locked onto me. I was supposed to be back in Dallas but here I stood, staring back at him. Jonathan stared politely at me but I knew the things he was thinking was but polite.

the team walked back and forth throughout the bar but not him.

"go over there," Andrew edged me on.

"no thanks."

he shook his head and walked over to his girlfriend while i kept looking at Jonathan. Jamie came up behind me and pressed his body against me tightly.

I thought back to when I first met Jonathan outside of hockey. weeks after our first date. he stood vibrantly outside his childhood home smiling at david as they kicked a soccer ball back and forth. he was different with his family.

"are you okay?" Jamie asked subtly pressing his lips to my neck.

"uh yeah I'm fine."

but deep down I knew I wasn't. not with Jon looking at me that way or the team whispering to each other when I passed by. I was officially the girl to ruin their beloved captain.

hey this is super short. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. writers block is kicking my butt on this story but I swear I'm working.

anyways for anyone planning to read my seguin fic that should be up this weekend😊 thanks for all the support.

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