Enter the Son of the Dark Lord

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Third Person POV 

In a place called Little Hangleton there was a big manor for the whole village to see this manor was called Riddle manor, a tragedy happened at this manor the Riddle family was killed but then someone moved in claiming to be a relative to the Riddles and this was true this person was Tom Marvolo Riddle and he moved in with his future wife Bellatrix Black and what was heard about this couple was that Bellatrix was pregnant but they already planned to marry but this is the view to the muggles to inside the manor of the couples point of view is Tom is the dark Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix wanted to get out of the contract of marrying Rodolphus Lestrange and her father told her to find a better person financially and so she turned to her lord, Lord Voldemort and he decided he would take pity on his most faithful follower and presented himself to Bellatrix's father saying his name was Tom Marvolo Riddle but Riddle was a name used by a distant squib cousin and he's from the Slytherin and Gaunt families and so Cygnus Black Bellatrix's father agreed for her to marry the dark lord instead and before they got married Bellatrix became pregnant with his child so they rushed into the marriage and now they live in Riddle Manor and Lord Voldemort decided to make the rest of his Horcruxes while he waited for his child to be born and he did he already had his dairy and gave it to Malfoy who married his wife's younger sister, so he made more the Gaunt ring from his mothers family and placed a curse on it and hid it in the Gaunt shack near his manor, Slytherin's locket he hid in a cave with an interesting trap, Hufflepuff's cup he put inside his vault that only his wife can open, and the diadem of Ravenclaw hid in the room of requirement and finally his familiar Nagini and hopefully through extensive research he could have his child have a small part of his soul so it doesn't affect them at all.

When he realised he had a child on the way he needed to make sure he made the Riddle last name look like its from the Slytherin line which with enough forging of documents in the ministry it was done easily so his soon ti be son will be the son of lord Slytherin who is called Tom Marvolo Riddle and Lady Slytherin Bellatrix Riddle nee Black and when his son was born he looked exactly like himself but had Bellatrix's shaped cheekbones which were slightly more defined then Tom's but his jawline was Toms and his hair but had Bellatrix's eyes.

Bellatrix asked Tom to pick his middle name but she wanted to call him Mattheo so Tom decided Marvolo so Mattheo Marvolo Riddle was born on the 1st of June, when Mattheo was growing up in his infancy he was very loved by his mother and father with his fathers familiar Nagini and when his word was spoken it was a bunch of hissing noises but Tom heard him say father.

When Bellatrix was looking after Mattheo and Tom was in his study with Nagini one of his followers Severus Snape appeared before him claiming there was a new prophecy that would tell of a child that has been born that will defeat him and after dismissing Severus he told Bellatrix and also told of a plan to protect their child incase he dies trying to make sure that the prophecy doesn't come true she agrees to it and he says that he will be doing a ritual that will give him protection of flames from hell and he will add a very small part of his should to his son to always know if he is safe she agreed and he went to do the ritual.

For the most part the ritual worked he had a small part of his father's soul but didn't have a scar from it and other ingredients in this ritual was to use teeth of a Cerberus and fiendfyre and the final ingredient was a symbolic gesture to an animal to watch over is son, werewolf claws the ritual was a success for the most part except when he got angry with one of his fathers common death eater no one of importance.

Tom heard a low growl as his death eater shouted for forgiveness wondering where it was coming from he looked around then his familiar Nagini told him it was his child, so he looked at his child and saw his son with eyes glowing like feindfyre and he had fangs growing he could tell they looked like Cerberus fangs and he had claws growing and his sons shirt had markings that were glowing through his shirt it looked like they faintly followed his veins and then when he looked at Matteo's back it went up his spine and over going towards his shoulders and it looked after seeing this he yelled his death eater to leave and calmed his son.

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