Start of third year

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Mattheo and his mother were currently at kings cross talking and she started talking in her serious voice

"Mattheo with that interview you did it will get you a lot of favours in the future with the dark families which by proxy is most pure-bloods and some half-bloods but on the other hand the light families which are few mostly contain half-bloods and a few pure-bloods but the real problem you will face would be mud-bloods yelling about how your words are rubbish compared to Dumbledore's do you understand?"

"I do mother but I have planted the seeds to sway people away from Dumbledore the backlash will be a thing at first but eventually will be a good thing, if I were to steal something from Grindelwald it would be his motto"

"and what's that?"

"for the greater good, and that being our greater good" he replied with a smirk

Bellatrix smiled and started to act all giddy, the whistle then went off to say the train will be leaving soon, Bellatrix hugged her son but because he's now the same height as her which is six foot she didn't need to bend down.

She looks at Mattheo "your so tall now, and your probably going to get taller" she finished with a pout and he chuckled then went on his way and got on the train just as it was about to leave.

As Mattheo was walking through the train he heard people whispering about him as he went to the area where all the Slytherins sit

'there most likely bad mouthing or whispering about what I said about the tournament' thought Mattheo and some probably were curious about his scar because not many have seen it.

Over the summer Mattheo's right eye's vision has been randomly going blurry or goes into the state of his hellhound thankfully no one other than his mother has seen it but its bound to get out and he's starting to think he might need to do a ritual to sort out his hellhound because its not as stable anymore, as that thought passed him over the summer he started to look in tomes and books from the Slytherin family nothing Gaunt family also nothing and the Black family didn't do many rituals only developed more ways to kill someone so he was stumped and figured he would need to make his own ritual probably use a lot of runes and something symbolic needed to be carved on his skin or ink like a tattoo which he wouldn't be against because he plans to take the dark mark as soon as his father returns.

Mattheo finally made it to the area where Slytherins sit and found the compartment where Daphne was sitting with her sister and Tracey and Blaise, he just walked in and took the seat next to Daphne and sighed

"hello Matty not even gonna say hello?"

He turned his face to her and gave her a bright smile "oh Queenie if only it was that simple" she sighed 

"ok stop with the dramatics and tell me what's wrong"

"my curse has been playing up with me and I don't know a way to solve it yet and my right eye keeps changing to the colour for when my curse starts to show and the annoying whispers while walking here were terrible"

"you never really told me about your curse so I can't help you there and it was your fault that you interviewed with skeeter" he sighed 

"I could tell you about my curse" he then looks out the compartment door and takes out his wand waves it and the door and blinds shut and lock he then puts his wand away 

"okay only my mother, father, aunt Cissy, uncle Lucius and Draco know what my curse is but you all plus Harry and Ron know as well and don't ask it was necessary" 

Blaise nodded "so how does your curse work or how did you get cursed"

"I'll tell you how. you know my father big bad dark lord" everyone nodded except Astoria gasped Mattheo looked at her "oh yeah you didn't know well now you do and don't worry I won't kill you and when I see my father I'll tell him not to kill you" she nods slowly 

Voldemort's Cursed Son | Harry Potter AU | DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now