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Mattheo isn't owned by me like I said 

Voldemort died a year later (1982) and most the plot with characters is the same except for the fact of Bellatrix doesn't marry into the LeStrange family but she marries Voldemort and will be raising Mattheo and Nagini will be helping raise him.

when third year happens not much will happen because not much happens where Mattheo will be involved so Prisioner of Azkaban will be skipped over for the most part 

plot will be different in goblet of fire 

Draco and Mattheo won't be getting along 

and the ship is Mattheo x Daphne and 

Bellatrix won't be insane 

Mattheo will be fighting with Draco about who the heir of the Black family is even though it will be Mattheo 

this disclaimer is to give you an idea so not everything is confusing 

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