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Everyone woke up in the great hall to know that we can return to our dormitories the next day so everyone went to their common rooms and then got ready for the day of classes and this went on for a while but professor Lupin was looking sick over the days.

On the 5th of November when we had DADA instead of professor Lupin teaching the subject it was Snape many of the Slytherins thought Snape must be ecstatic that he's teaching the job he's always wanted but then Granger asked where Lupin was and Snape said he was sick and then went about how they would then be learning about werewolves and that lesson was interesting because he was saying stuff like he was hinting at something of importance without actually saying it well Ron got detention for doing something and because it was Snape it was probably something like being too slow on opening his textbook.

November 6th Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor in Quidditch happened but the dementors had shown up while it was very bad weather and nearly performed the kiss on Harry Potter and the Hufflepuff seeker Cedric Diggory and they both fainted at least 100 feet in the air thankfully no on does but harry's nimbus 2000 was sent into the whomping willow.

8th of November in DADA Lupin was back and didn't look as sickly but looked to have a new scar on his face. On the 27th Ravenclaw 'flattened' Hufflepuff in Quidditch and then on the 6th of December McGonagall took the names of people staying in the castle over the Christmas or Yule holidays and Draco and Mattheo both got letters saying that Mattheo will be spending the holidays at Malfoy Manor with his mother as well and that the Yule ball at Malfoy Manor will be postponed due to a ball that is taking place at the ministry.

The 15th of December was a special day because Mattheo went to the chamber of secrets but this was not much new it was the fact of Daphne was going with him and they were going at around dinner time, when they made it to the second floor girls bathroom they entered and went over to the sink and then Mattheo hissed and as he did a shiver went up Daphne's spine and she spoke 

"whenever I hear you speaking in parceltounge it brings a shiver down my spine"

Mattheo smirked "is it a good shiver or a bad one?"

"a bit of both" she responded with a slight blush appearing on her cheeks 

instead of the entrance being just a pit fall Mattheo somehow got the entrance to make steps to go down, they made their way down the entrance and when Daphne looked around it was a lot cleaner then she expected 

"I thought it would be a lot dirtier then being clean if I'm honest"

Mattheo chuckled "it was terribly dirty I just cleaned the place up there used to be some shed skin from Jade and tones of bones from different animals and skeletons of humans as well and grime everywhere"

Daphne paused "Jade is that the Basilisk's name?"

"yeah she said she has had many names but my father never gave her a name so I gave her one, also she has a very childish personality and really just wants friends so just does a speaker's bidding to keep them around"

"that sounds very lonely"

"yeah it is, anyway don't worry about her eyes she's got a second pair of eye lids that she always has covering her eyes"

"well now I feel safe"

"also I'm not going to show you Slytherin's study okay?"

"yeah that's fine its your birthright and all that anyway its family stuff"

Mattheo smiled as they walked through the chamber and they saw a massive lump coiled around itself and Daphne was amazed about how peaceful the Basilisk looked then Mattheo saw her head and started to stroke her nose and they could hear sounds of content and then Mattheo spoke

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