summer before third year

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When Mattheo first got home his mother was quite and too quite then normal it actually scared him, when he turned to her she looked furious so to see where her ire was directed he asked

"Mother are you angry with me?" she snapped out of scowling and hugged Mattheo close

"I could never be angry with you but what happened to your face how did you get that scar?"

At this he had a low growl so she let go and saw his a light with fire a hit bit out a name 


She looks at him "how did Potter give you a scar"

"I was trying to do my job of destroying the diary when we needed to and he tried to stop me to get it to Dumbledore and I slightly lost my footing and the cursed dagger you sent for Christmas slashed me" he started to stutter at remembering the pain and Bellatrix hugged and was trying to console him 

"Mother it hurt so much my healing was trying to make sure I never got a scar b-but it could barley stabilise the venom trying to kill me and for the past week my body has been trying to make sure I'm at my peak and its so exhausting, but something good came out of it"

She looked intrigued "oh how so?"

"I snuck into the restricted section for the last week and few days and copied a few things" he had a giddy voice while talking and Bellatrix couldn't help but smile, they sat down in a comfortable room next to each other while he talked about the the books he read and copied

"yeah so um I read about Gerpo the foul, I saw a little on Horcruxes and then what really caught my attention was Gellert Grindelwald"

Bellatrix looks intrigued 

"How so Mattheo"

"the way he's talked about in the books I read is like he's a conductor when he waves his wand and then he makes one spell than manipulates it to be another at the same time and he's an occulmens like me but he can do fake memories which I'm close to doing"

Bellatrix hummed "well when you put it like that he does sound amazing but your father I believe is stronger"

"yeah father is stronger but Grindelwald has more finesse and he uses most simple spells and manipulates to be stronger than a normal version or a powered version like his "portego" was so good that is was better than most peoples "portego maxima" and if I can do that I won't tire easy and its already hard to tire and its said he conducted many experiments with rituals I like the sound of that"

"that does sound amazing and he does sound resourceful maybe if you become similar or better than him your father wouldn't need to do all the work right?"

"yeah if dad has a task that's not worth of his station I'll do it for him so he can do more important things"

Mattheo started to speak again "Mum"

"yes Matty?"

"do you think with runes I could make a ritual that would let me have more control of my hell hound?"

"I don't know but how about when you go back to Hogwarts you try to find it when you have free time and if you need any specific tomes or books I can send them for you yeah?"

"ok because ever since my birthday I haven't felt like I have as much control, Daphne was trying to be funny about it when I said my curse was acting up and she said that it could be a puberty thing"

"I think that your little crush is right because the hell hound is a part of you" she smirked when she saw him blush 

"also Mattheo if your worried about your father accepting a girl don't worry but I would recommend if there is one that you find out if you want a relationship with her in your third or fourth year because at the end of your fourth year things will be changing. okay?"

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