The rest of third year

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It was January 2nd and Mattheo was still in bed at Malfoy Manor which shouldn't be right as he's always up first so Draco volunteered to go investigate and when he got there he sees Mattheo asleep but he has something in his hand it looked to be a pocket watch with a chain attached, Draco sighed and started to shake Mattheo to wake him and he finally woke up but wasn't in a good mood as when he saw Draco all he said was one word 


And Draco left then five minutes later Mattheo came down the stairs dressed up and was messing with his pocket watch so Narcissa decided to break the ice

"Matty, can you tell aunt Cissy where you got that?" she said this in a cooing tone like you did to a baby 

Mattheo looked up "it was my present from Daphne she said to figure out the enchantments on it and add my own she said not to do it late at night but the excitement was too much I couldn't sleep"

Draco looked intrigued whilst Bellatrix looked amused at how this is going to go

Draco spoke "hey can I see it?" he went to reach out but suddenly his hand was slapped away 

Mattheo gasped "how dare you think you can touch my precious"

Draco looked alarmed whilst the adults except for Bellatrix looked concerned so Lucius spoke to his mother 

"Bella please tell me he's not under compulsion charms"

"sorry Luci, but he's just very fond of presents from people like me and now I guess Daphne now I wonder what he will be like when his father gets him a present"

Narcissa spoke "how bad is it when he's like this?"

"not at all bad Cissy just don't touch or try to touch his present"

Lucius spoke again but with hesitance "and what did you get him Bella?"

"cursed dagger like every year, I think he sleeps with them now" she said this in such a none caring tone it actually scared her sister and brother-in-law


After the whole Mattheo being like Gollum from Lord of the rings they went to kings cross and after saying their goodbyes Mattheo and Draco got on the train and Mattheo instantly ran off to find as he put it 'his beloved' on the train and eventually he found her in a compartment and he didn't care who else was there but he sat down next to her and hugged her and nuzzled her cheek while blabbering on about how she was the best girlfriend and that her present was the best and it completed his life.

When he finally calmed down she looked to him and spoke when she felt she could and smiled at him as he was practically stretched out on the chair in the compartment he was looking up at her and she looking down on him 

"well hello to you Matty, and I'm pleased my present for you was nice and I loved mine from you" she finished with a bright smile 

Mattheo sat up and hugged her close and spoke "your present was dare I say even better than mother's"

"really better than your mother's annual Christmas and birthday cursed daggers?" he nodded very enthusiastically but suddenly they was a gasp and Mattheo stilled and he sniffed the air and his eyes flashed fire for a second and when they stopped he turned and saw three others 

"hello Granger" he said with great strain that was heavily noticed "Weasel" no strain as he knew he got the name wrong as when Ron went to correct him he already moved on and the next name was said with so much venom it sounded like he spoke in parseltounge "Potter"

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