Start of 4th year

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September 1st, every year since his second year at Hogwarts he goes to Hogwarts  via the train from the platform nine and three quarters from Kings Cross.

Usually Mattheo is burning with confidence but today for some reason he has a little doubt in his mind now that may bring questions as to why but its pretty simple actually he just doesn't want to be away from his father as he's spent most of his life away from him that he wants to make up lost time. His father had told him when he saw Mattheo's concerns that he wants the same thing but his education in magic was far more important so that when he gets home that Tom could teach him the crazy advanced stuff.

When Mattheo got on the train after saying goodbye to his mother and father he looked for a compartment and he was very late today so the train was actually making its way towards the castle so he's trying to find Daphne as he doesn't really want to sit with Draco as he's going to wine about the quidditch World Cup.

Walking down to nearly the other side of the train Mattheo found an odd sight Daphne and Astoria were by looks off things being harassed by Harry and Ron and Hermione was quietly standing on the side. 

Astoria was bickering with Ron about something to do with her being a snake and well that got a bit boring so she tuned him out and let him rant then she saw Mattheo walking towards them and she got a big grin and ran towards and gave him a hug, the others watched this confused well except Daphne she knew Astoria adores Mattheo.

"hello future big brother" Astoria says with a smirk

Mattheo gives his laugh which to other compartments sounded for some reason almost perfect like a beautiful harmony

"hello to you as well Astoria but unfortunately before I can become your big brother both Daphne and myself need to graduate Hogwarts" Mattheo still held his smirk but when he finished he sent a teasing wink to Daphne that made her face flush red before she composed herself 

"I wish you would get married now, and mother said next summer holidays there's a get together for the ladies of their houses who are close friends or family and you have to attend as their will be talk of the wedding" she said with a bright smile 

Mattheo looked confused then to his betrothed and spoke in a concerned voice "hey princess is this true?" Daphne just nodded "but that's like three or four years away why plan now?"

Daphne spoke in a tone that says are you dumb "well Matty mother likes to prepare early for very important things and father wants the day of my wedding to be perfect"


"don't swear in front of my little sister idiot!" 

Mattheo then picked up Astoria as she doesn't weigh much and walked into the compartment of the train put he down on a seat and she had a massive smile 

Daphne walked to where Mattheo is and practically sat on him and Mattheo put his arms around her to hold her close they were about to begin talking when someone cleared their throat they turned to see Harry

"um excuse me but may we join you everywhere else is full" Mattheo leaned his face on Daphne's shoulder and gave a quiet sigh so Daphne took over 

"I guess but do-" before she can finish Harry with a bright smile sat next to her and Daphne looked worried and Ron and Hermione sat with Astoria.

Harry wanted to start a conversation "hey Daphne what did you do for summer if I can ask?"

Mattheo grumbled because he knew potter wanted to get with Daphne and the only way to do that was via her actually falling in love with him because love potion won't affect her because of the contract.

Voldemort's Cursed Son | Harry Potter AU | DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now