Summer before 4th year

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When Mattheo got back to Riddle Manor with his mother he was confused by Nagini being here so he asked.

"Nagini, I thought you wouldn't be here until at least another month I thought now was usually time for your hunting or killing sprees"

Nagini looked over to Mattheo and in a happy tone she spoke and he could hear her barley containing her excitement

"Mattheo its amazing your father will be able to be here this year"

Mattheo was shocked so he turned to his mother

"Mother Nagini just said that father will be here this year is it true?" 

Bellatrix smiled happily at her son "yes you will be able to see your father but he won't be able to get his full body back yet as he is mis-"

Bellatrix didn't finish as Mattheo pulled out a vial with what looked like blood so she raises one of her delicate eyebrows and holds out her hand and he places the vial in her hand he then spoke in a tone she never has heard from him before and she couldn't describe it

"that's the last ingredient"

Bellatrix went to speak but Mattheo spoke again "that's Potter's blood, I had Daphne get it for me whilst he was sleeping in the hospital as an incident happened at school"

"while getting the blood is amazing what incident"

Mattheo shifted nervously "it would be better if father heard of it as it could be of help in the future to him as well" she nodded and Mattheo quickly spoke as Bellatrix was walking away 

"mother when will father be home?" he asked in a timid voice

"we're waiting on worm tail and Barty Crouch Jr and your father won't be very well when you first see him"

Mattheo nodded and spoke "I must speak to him about the ritual as I have studied it in my spare time and know how to get the best results unlike worm tail"

She nodded "your father will be home at the very latest next week okay? Now unpack your things please"

Mattheo nodded and did as asked of him and went about his day and Nagini was around the house more as she was waiting for he master's return and spoke more with Mattheo because of this.


It was the first of July and his father isn't home with worm tail or Barty and they were late by nearly two weeks and he was getting restless.

It was after dinner and Mattheo was in the library reading grimoires with tones of spells and theories in how to refine his use of magic and the book he found in Salazar's study about the hellhound he was friends with to make sense of abilities he may possess and he only gets the idea of things like that he already expected. 

High affinity towards fire when it comes to elemental magic and his body is more resistant to magic attacks like a werewolf but things like healing capablites being almost instant or if he had a scalpel ran down his arm his arm would heal as the wound is being made and his senses like hearing, smelling, sight are all enhanced to the extreme but with his sense of touch its weird it only freaks out when he is say with Daphne when they kiss but he puts that down as his hormones taking over and of course the weirdest one he has an almost sixth sense but its mostly with the help of his other senses that do that.

While he was reading the book on hellhounds and about their enhanced strength the doors opened and he thought it was just his mother and was waiting for her to speak when no one did and he heard an extra heartbeat so he spoke 

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