The finally of the second year

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The weeks have truly went by as it has nearly been a whole month since February 14th as it is now the month of May and its the 8th day in that month.

For awhile now the minister of magic as well as some people on the board of governors have been trying to find the culprit for the attacks but couldn't find them so they had to find a scapegoat for the time being and because the last time the chamber was opened someone was suspected they were expelled that person had to take the fall again and the only reason how they could take the fall was because they never left Hogwarts this person being Hagrid.

Ever since Harry saw the memory inside the diary he has been trying to figure out what the monster in the chamber was and get details from Hagrid which has been half successful all harry knows is that Hagrid is more than likely innocent but on this day before Harry and Ron can get more answers as its only them because Hermione turned to the library for her answers and she's trying to find out what or who Nagini the legendary snake is.

Later in the day at around the middle of the day the Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor was about to start when it was cancelled by professor McGonagall and ordering people back to their dormitories but she asked Harry Potter and Ron Weasley to go with her somewhere.

The next day no one saw them with Hermione and that was because she was petrified as well as a Ravenclaw girl, Penelope Clearwater another Muggle-born but this attack there were two students attacked on the day of the attack though the minister and Dumbledore went to Hagrid's hut near the forbidden forest and it was basically the minister putting it into nice words that he's going to have to go to Azkaban until they find the culprit or the beast that is in the castle is slain. 

Whilst that conversation was going on Lucius Malfoy who is from the board of governors also entered Hagrid's hut to inform Dumbledore that the board has all signed a piece of parchment that is a document that he has to leave school grounds as they see him as unfit to run the school at the moment, as those conversations were going on Harry and Ron were at Hagrid's window watching when Hagrid gave a clue to follow spiders.


On the 24th of may after classes Ron and harry went to the forbidden forest to look for a lead to find the location of the chamber of secrets as they were doing that Mattheo and Daphne were sitting in the Slytherin common room talking.

Mattheo and Daphne were quiet for a few minutes before Daphne spoke up 

"Hey uh Mattheo?" Mattheo was now on high alert now that his actual name has been used 

"yeah" he ask with hesitance 

"there's two things I want to ask you ones silly while the other is serious can I ask?" he nods 

"I'll start with the silly one. I think I want to use a different nickname for you instead of Simba is that ok?" he looks at he confused 

"um yeah why wouldn't it be plus Simba would be a better nickname for someone in Gryffindor anyway" she sighed in relief 

"yeah I realised that and I wanted to call you Matty if that's ok with you because I know you mother calls you that" he laughs 

"no its fine my mother usually calls me Mattheo but when she's calling by a nickname it means she wants something or she's bored, or trying to be playful like a child teasing or bickering. I mean my mother sort of acts like a child but when she needs to be a mother I can always count on her but I don't think she would mind if you called me Matty" he finishes with a bright smile 

She smiles back and then starts talking again "ok now the serious one" he nods and gives her his full attention 

"when is this stuff with the chamber of secrets going to end? because quite honestly it scares me a little" 

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