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It's the 30th of October and for the past 3 weeks Mattheo has been going to the chamber every other day to study and talk to Jade. They could be classed as best friends or she could be his familiar because even though he has a good relationship with his owl Hades it was actually his father's owl but his father had Nagini, and they just get on so well and at first Mattheo was confused why Jade had a personality of a child when she's probably at least one thousand years old it was because Salazar wanted a child of his own before he had his son and Jade never knew the horrors of the world outside so she thinks she only needs to play and talk to the next heir.

The only person to ask about the chamber was Draco but all he did was nag about what it looked like which Mattheo responded by saying 'you'll see it when you see it'.

Currently Mattheo was in his dorm with his dorm mates and he was pacing so Theo decided to break the ice 

"okay Mattheo what is it because we've been here for 20 minutes in silence" 

Mattheo stopped took a deep breath "well I want to ask Daphne to Hogsmeade but I don't know how and don't say 'just ask her' because its going to be a date"

Blaise and Theo were chuckling whilst Draco was trying to stop from laughing and Draco spoke up

"Mattheo you do know she likes you back, so just go to her and say you want to go with her"

Mattheo looked confused then his eyes widened and then Blaise spoke

"and what about the arrogant Mattheo who had other girls asking him out for the past week so if she doesn't go out on a date with you just go s friends but make it slowly become a date"

Mattheo nodded "Blaise that is very smart I will just do that"

The other guys sighed in relief and Mattheo went to take a shower, near the end of the shower there was a knock on the door and Theo went and opened it it was Daphne 

She stormed in the room angry "where is he"

Draco responded "who?"

"you know who"

Then a door clicked open and the guys turned and smirked whilst Daphne was blushing like mad the reason? Mattheo is standing there in only a towel around his waist so right now his hair is dripping wet, his scars on show, his well defined muscles on display, and of course a six pack (being a hellhound gives him better muscle definition and mass so yeah don't come for me)

Mattheo was walking out to his trunk when he ran into someone as he was moving his hand over  his scars he looked to the side a bit so he was staring in front of himself but he had to look down a bit and there he saw Daphne standing pretty much breathing on his chest.

Daphne spoke in a quiet voice "h-h-hi Mat-Mattheo I see your um busy do I need to come back?"

Mattheo had a slight blush on his cheeks but kept looking into her eyes "depends on what you want"

"its about Hogsmeade"

Mattheo nodded walked over to his side table picked up his wand then cast a drying charm then took some boxers and bottoms he wears to bed and goes back to the bathroom quickly changes and walks back out 

"so is this a private talk or can the boys stay"

Daphne looked at the other boys in the room "they can stay I guess"

Mattheo looked at her then smirked "I actually wanted to tell you something real quick I hope you don't mind if I go first?"

She gestures for him to go ahead 

Voldemort's Cursed Son | Harry Potter AU | DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now