Let the tournament begin

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The days passed by and on some days Mattheo went into the chamber and asked Jade if there was anywhere he hasn't been in the chamber and unsurprisingly she said he hadn't so he asked if she could tell him and then she slithered to a hidden place well actually it was near where his father when he was younger appeared when harry was down here and he's surprised harry hasn't followed him or come down here yet and when she had shown him a door he went to open it but it wouldn't budge so he tried in the language of the snakes 

"open" he hissed 

Then a lot of locks being unlocked sounded and then the door slowly opened he walked in and then he heard a voice it sound young yet old with knowledge and it sounded familiar and it was in parceltounge so they were definitely family.

"your new" said the voice 

Mattheo turned and saw a portrait of a man with a long beard and hair similar to his own but it was greying 

"are you Salazar Slytherin?" the hiss came out unsure from Mattheo

"yes are you another heir of my family" the his wasn't sounded as a question he knew but it was clearly him being polite or formal with Mattheo 

Mattheo nodded and spoke in English "yes sir, my name is Mattheo Marvolo Riddle"

"Riddle? why not Slytherin?"

"my father was the previous heir but he didn't discover this room he said to me that the Slytherin main branch went into hiding because we were seen as evil so we adopted a muggle name to hide but the side branch were called the Gaunt family"

Salazar stroked his beard and made a noise that made Mattheo think he was thinking then he spoke in a very posh and regal voice 

"who are your mother and father and what year is it?"

Mattheo spoke with pride in his voice "my father is Tom Marvolo Riddle son to the Gaunt and Slytherin lines and my Mother is Bellatrix Riddle Nee Black"

Salazar smirked "I always liked the Blacks having their blood I your veins will do you some good"

Mattheo smiled "I am the heir of your family as well as the Blacks"

Salazar smiled even more "that makes you very very powerful than I assume for magic to bestow two families for you to eventually to take over"

"I like to think I'm powerful but not as much as I could be as I'm only 14 sir"

"now that pleasantries are out the way I assume you're here to learn more magic yes?"

"of course I find I want to be resourceful to my father in anyway and most needed right now is power or strength" 

Salazar smiled and nodded "your 100% a heir to Slytherin I can see it in your eyes but I can also see something else"

Mattheo looked down slightly "um my father at the end of the most recent war used a ritual to try and protect me but it gave me a curse but thanks to one of your books I find myself coping better"

"really which book?" 

"the one containing information on hellhounds"

Salazar looked bit grim "yes hellhounds are very dangerous and ver unexplored territory what are you currently discovering about being one may I ask?"

Mattheo smiled "I am currently trying to see how it may affect me being a animagus"

Salazar nodded thoughtfully "yes your very much like me then I take it you wish to know the boundaries and benefits given from being a hellhound?"

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