The Attacks

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Its the 31st of October its also Halloween and to some people they are thinking if anything is to go bad this year it will start on that day.

Mattheo and his group of friends are walking with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle they are talking about how classes are going when they see a blockade of students and they make they're way to the front and Mattheo and Draco see Harry and his friends look at them then Draco and Mattheo look at the commotion which is something horrible in the eyes of most 

Mrs. Norris or Flich's cat is looks either dead or petrified hanging upside down and on the wall behind her writing in red paint or blood the words 'THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE" 

Mattheo lean to Draco's ear and whispers "this is my father's plan we just need to play this out and we need to stay here over Yule now" Draco scowls "don't worry you have fun this year I'll sort everything out but on Christmas I'll chill in the common room with you" Draco nods satisfied

Draco then speaks out "enemies of the heir beware. you'll be next Mudbloods" 

Then Flich comes along sees his cat and blames Harry and goes to grab him when the professors show up then Dumbledore talks him down tells everyone to go back to their dorms but then stops the golden trio then when Mattheo is heading back he hears 

"Riddle you come as well" Mattheo looks at the headmaster confused but concedes to get it out of the way

After making there way to Lockhart's after he offered because it was the closest and Dumbledore  and professor McGonagall inspect the caretaker's cat by smelling it poor cat and then McGonagall be sensible does diagnostic spells they come up with the answer but Flich is bawling his eyes out and Mattheo nearly feels bad for him keyword nearly while that's happening Ron is sending heated looks at Mattheo and the other two keep side eyeing him 

With Snape behind him Mattheo whispers to him "Professor?" Snape looks down at him a grunts in response so Mattheo pipes up "why do you think I've been called here?"

Snape looks down at Mattheo and answers briefly "sorry Mr.Riddle I really don't know will have to wait and see but as your head of house I will help you so don't worry" Mattheo nodded in response while they waited for Dumbledore to address the room 

"don't worry Argus she's only petrified she's not dead"


Then as McGonagall is consoling Filch Dumbledore turns to Mattheo and the Gryffindors are curious on why he is here 

"Mr.Riddle do you have any idea what has happened?"

"No professor"

Dumbledore pauses and appears to be in thought then he looks at Mattheo intently 

"are you sure there's nothing wish to tell me?" 

Theres a long pause as everyone waits in apprehension then Mattheo responds 

"No sir"

"you sure?"

"No sir. I'm sure"

Then Dumbledore talks to the golden trio and after getting nothing flick becomes angry or downright pissed and in his shaking anger points at Harry 

"it was him you saw what he rote on the wall he did this because he know.. he was in my office and found out.. he knows I'm a squib"

Dumbledore being a insensitive prick doesn't try to calm him down just adds more fuel to the fire 

"Argus think reasonably why would he do this if your a squib and I don't see the need of a punishment he-" that was the wrong thing to say because Flich started to shout 

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