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Third Person POV 

Mattheo was on a dark corner of kings cross on platform nine and three quarters with his mother Bellatrix she was asking if he had everything

"Mattheo make sure you only have hades deliver your post because he can't be tracked okay?"

"yes mother I know, um but what do I do if someone disrespects me or father or even you?" she smiles down at him 

"humiliate them but if they're friends or family not as bad okay?" he nods and smiles up at her and she kisses him on the forehead and whispers 

"your father is making a disaster happen to ruin Dumbledores reputation but it may cause harm to you make sure you always have an alibi and try to look for the chamber of secrets I'm told by your father it should be on the second floor girls bathroom and there should be a sink that opens when you hiss, your father wants you to stop the incident when someone is apparently taken to the chamber okay?"

"yes mother I will all for father, then we can be a family when he comes back right or a family of what would be for us" she smiles "yes little snake or do I perhaps call you my puppy?" she asks with a teasing smile.

Mattheo chuckles "I prefer little snake because that's what i'm meant to be" she nods 

"off you go now and owl me if you need anything and become the seeker of Slytherin and if you somehow get into Gryffindor make Potter's life hell, also don't hide your rings keep them on display to show your power" he nods then walks to the train and waves goodbye 


Mattheo was walking through the train then as he passed a compartment someone called out to him "Mattheo!" he turned around to see Pansy and a few others 

"Hey Pansy, you got a compartment yet" she just grins at Mattheo and gestures towards an compartment and sits down when you go inside you see Pansy, Tracey, Daphne and a boy with black skin and black eyes with short black hair, he looks up to you and smiles and puts out his hand 

"I'm Blaise Zabini nice to meet you I've heard a few things from Pansy" Mattheo smiles and shakes his hand "Mattheo Riddle nice to meet you Blaise" Pansy then drags you into the compartment and sits you in-between her and Daphne.

For most the ride you talk with the people in your compartment then someone barges in she has bushy hair and big teeth to Mattheo she screams mud blood then she asks something 

"has anyone seen harry or Ron they're not on the train" then she looks and sees Mattheo and then says "oh hello are you a new first year?" you look at her like she's crazy 

"No I'm joining in second year I'm a transfer I was just being privately tutored by my mother for a year before I came to Hogwarts but I still apparently need to join the first years for the sorting" he says this in a tone that irks this girl who is known as Hermione.

"wait why are you transferring in that doesn't seem fair" then Mattheo rolls his eyes at her "I couldn't because my magic is to large and took a while to stabilise last year so I couldn't come last year otherwise I would be a danger to students but now I'm not and I've already learnt the material up to the end of second year but I need a professors input but I'm sorry we haven't seen a harry or Ron good day to you" he then shuts the door.


After talking and getting used to the atmosphere Mattheo got used to everyone in the compartment Pansy was telling him to watch out for in the Slytherin house, soon the train came to a halt and they got off and Mattheo turned to them 

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