Secrets are out

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On the 9th of November Mattheo had to go back to the common room after classes he couldn't take everyone seriously when he was sitting by the fire he started to laugh his head off about ten minutes later many second years were looking at him in concern as well as some of the Quidditch team and then when he caught his breath Blaise spoke up 

"Mattheo you ok?" then Draco added in "I thought you were going crazy 

Mattheo looked at them "yeah I'm ok and if I was going crazy it would be the black madness and that only happens when someone you love dies or the most common way for it to happen because the Black's are a bit unhinged anyway" then Daphne sat in front of him 

"ok then why were you laughing so hysterically" 

"oh that's easy with everyone going on about the amulets and charmed jewellery I can't take it seriously, I mean its only some mud-bloods that need to worry I mean the legend of the chamber of secrets says it only goes after muggle borns and I saw Longbottom buying an ugly amulet" 

everyone started to laugh about it. eventually they all went to do they're work and be done for the day this is repeated throughout most the days until the seventh of December when all those in Slytherin decide whose going home and the discuss it 

"I'm going home to send time with my parents and little sister" Daphne had said 

"I'm going to a holiday home in Italy with my mum says there's a Italian wizard there" Blaise had sad with a sad tone 

"so is the rumour about your mum true Blaise" asked Mattheo 

"what rumour?"

"that she marries a rich guy then kills him a month later for his fortune"

"I honestly don't know I only ever see her when she's not with guys and then when she's with me we mostly just brush up on my dancing skills and just be a mother and son"

Mattheo sighed "yeah my mum wants me to start dance lessons in the summer and probably brush up on my fighting with a wand and cursed daggers, and probably learn the Black family magic, but on going home note mother wants me to stay here says she's go business for the holiday but is gonna send my presents over" 

Tracey just sighed "I'm going to be going home and having lots of fun" 

Pansy looked to Draco "what about you Draco?" 

Draco just sighed "well Crabbe, Goyle and I are staying because our father's have business likely to do with what aunt Bella is doing and mother probably will be going with him"

Then after awhile Mattheo speaks up "hey Draco"


"what's your opinion on Dobby"

"my house elf what about him?" 

"you know how your father really hates him well mother and I were thinking of getting a house elf for myself or for when my father is better do you think your father would give Dobby over to me?"

"honestly he probably would he hates the elf with a passion and you have a soft spot for him, and father wants another house elf anyway, why?" 

"I was thinking how about I take him at the end of this school year?"

"sure I'll write to my father"

After that conversation most things went back to the boring routine till a little over a week later something was presented on the notice board 

"dueling club? I'm going hopefully its Flitwick or Snape if so I might be able to improve and impress mother" 

"really curls I doubt that but I do hope its one of them and not Lockhart"

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