Disaster Paradise (Game #3)

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Please check out the previous parts on Disaster Paradise since this like third part in the series!

Yet another Critic Book ExclusiveTM.

Once again not all the OCs belong to me.

*NOTICE! Parts of this story have been edited or completely deleted due to how bad they originally were. I will not elaborate because I'm embarrassed by it. Just know that this is not the raw version like all the other stories.

TW: death, blood, gore, swearing and other usage of harsh words, violence, cult and sacrifice mentions, religion (it's fake and made up for the story), sex mentions and potential implications,

Commentary will be like {this} again.

0000: Prolonge

Habble POV~~~~

I awoke in a small circus tent with a hammock and chest with extra clothes in it. I stepped outside the tent and I saw an entire circus.

{Killing game at a circus or carnival is one of my favorite setting ideas and I hate how everytime I use it it gets horribly wasted.}

It looked shut down.

I saw another person not far from my tent. I went to take to her. Hopefully she knew what was going on.

???: Fifteen others? Interesting. Prehaps, I could sacrifice the dragon...

{Oh no...}

The girl had long hair white hair. She had tan skin. She wore a very fluffy leather boots.

{It's dollar store Angie.}

Habble: I'm Habble.

???: Nice to met you, Habble. My name is Amogila Yami. Please call me, Yami.

Habble: Your an Ultimate, right?

Yami: Precisely. The Ultimate Cultist, at your service.

{I didn't know how bad cults actually were when I wrote this. I also wanted to make religion look bad because I was going through my "I hate God because God hates gays" phase.}

Habble: I'm the Ultimate Hitman.

{By the way, Habble is non-binary. My 10 second Google search didn't give me a gender neutral term for hitman, so I just used hitman.}

Yami: If your looking for the others, they're this way.

I followed Yami to a tent that was supposed to be like a Mess Hall. Fourteen other students were already gathered in there.

{Why are did Habble call them students? They aren't at a school so how would they know that the others are students?}

???: We're all here, at last!

???: I'm Serina Bloodscale! Ultimate Dragon!

{When your the Ultimate Dragon, but your stuck in human form for a killing game.}

???: I'm Hazel Mellow, the Ultimate Actress. And this is my brother, Hazo, Ultimate Actor.

{*LGMDF flashbacks* We can't escape it. That story and Dream Catchers are the building blocks for literally everything else.}

Hazo: Sup.

???: I'm Victoria, the Ultimate Giant! You can call me Vicky.

{She also in a "human" form.}

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