Familiar Handler ; Lady Lesso

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Many of the never pupils didn't understand why they needed a familiar, some thought it pointless and others thought it strange.

The first day, nevers filled into the large, black stone room filled with creatures. Imps, birds, wolves and many more.

Sat in the middle of the room in a large obsidian throne like chair, was their teacher.

As she stood, the pupils saw a tall woman with sharp talon like nails, horns that curl as they fall and a long black dress with a mantle of feathers.

She smirked as she flicked her hand, the doors slamming shut as the last student entered.

"Welcome, Nevers. To your first year."

The creatures began to slam against their cages, chains rattling as they were pulled, scaring the nevers.

She laughed. "I am Lady Y/n, and I will be finding your familiars."

One by one the students chose a seat and sat down, watching every movement of their teacher as she glided around the room.

"Now then, before we begin. You do not choose a familiar. A picks you. Some have more than one. A familiar is an extention of one's self. A creature bound to you."

As she spoke, she noticed out of the corner of her eye a girl rolling her eyes. With a quick flick of her hand, a large black crow with fire red feathers dug its talons into her arm making the girl scream.

"Do not roll your eyes, young girl. It does not lead to anything appealing."

The horned woman recalled the bird making it release the girl before landing on the large chair.

"I do not take disrespect lightly."

The girl snarled at the woman. "You must be hester."

The girl held her arm, not answering. Y/n just laughed before teaching her class.


Nearing the end of her class, Y/n had found all of the familiars for the pupils. Sitting back in her chair stroking her own, she saw the large doors open. Entering the room was a well known redheaded woman with a walking stick.

"To what do I own the pleasure, Lady Lesso?"

The students all went quiet, watching with fearful eyes.

Lesso chuckled, raising an eyebrow at the woman.

"I can go anywhere I please, but I must speak with you."

Y/n smirked and raised her hand, green magic emerging from her fingertips as unclaimed creatures returned to their cages.

"Class dismissed" Quickly, nevers almost ran out. Not wanting to anger the two scary women.

The moment the door closed, Y/n stood and slowly approached the Dean.

"I don't suppose you came to find your familiar have you?"

"I see you harmed one of the students already?."

Y/n just shrugged with a half smile, circling the dean. Lesso held her walking stick out, stopping the handler.

"You have the doom room with your methods, I have familiars and my methods."

The redhead chuckled and shook her head before pulling the woman close with her walking stick before placing it back by her side.

"You don't seem to mind my methods darling."

Y/n smiled, a genuine smile. "Your methods are always more fun dear."

As the two stood in the dim lit room, the crow perched on the top of lesso's walking stick. Watching the two women before disappearing at the wave of a hand, leaving the two alone in each others company.

Lesso looked into the eyes of the woman. A smile on her lips before gently kissing her forehead, taking in this rare moment of one to one time

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