Huntsmen : Queen Ravenna

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Y/n stood infront of Queen Freya, her fellow huntsman by her side, both left and right.

Next to Freya, stood her elder sister. Ravenna couldn't help but focus her gaze on the tall huntsman.

Out of the corner of her eye, Freya could see the look her sister was giving her warrior.

"Y/n. Step forward child."

The woman stepped towards the ice steps, her attention on her queen, but also on the golden goddess.

"From today you are to be my sister's guard. Follow her orders. Do you understand?"

"Yes my Queen, as you wish" Y/n nodded before stepping up onto the step before the two women and infront of Ravenna, looking towards the other huntsman.

As time went on, Ravenna and Y/n became close. Ravenna would watch the woman train harder than she ever had.

She watched how the woman's body moved.. she watched how focused the woman was.

When the two were together, they would get to know eachother. While both women were fairly closed off, they could talk to eachother, share secrets.

Before long the two had formed a bond, one beyond even that of Sara and Eric.

Until the day the huntsman fought back. Eric charged at Ravenna, only for Y/n to get between them.

While the two fought, Freya learnt the truth about her lover and child, and that Ravenna had caused every hardship she had faced.

Y/n knocked Eric to the ground and turned to Ravenna, only to see Freya charging at her.

As Freya ran at her sister, Y/n stood between them with anger in her eyes.

"Step away huntsman"

Y/n remained.

Freya frowned, stepping closer. Only for Y/n to raise her sword, ready to fight.

"Y/n I order you to step. Away. Now"

Ravenna panted, eyes wide. "I follow Ravenna only, you said so yourself Queen Freya."

The ice queen was shocked. A child she had raised, given a better life! Had turned on her, for her older sister. The woman who had ruined her life!

"How could you do this to me Y/n.. I am your Queen!"

Freya raised her arms up to fire ice towards the two women before her, only for a shock of pain to fill her body.

Looking down, she was greeted with a sword lodged into her chest. Slowly she looked up, the arm at the end of the blade being Y/n, with Ravenna's hand on top of hers.

"I must thank you sister, you have given me the greatest gift of all."

Ravenna moved her hand to the side of Y/n's neck, a smile on her face.

Freya was dead before her body had time to hit the ground. The ice and snow all around the kingdom melting away, leaving no trace of the former monarch.

The Huntsman looked towards the remaining women, one being their new Queen.

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