Molly : Charlotte Field

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When Y/n entered the large office, she didnt expect to find her new girlfriend laying on ground.

Maggie attempted to get the woman up, but Y/n quickly stepped in.

"Give her a minute Mags.. Lotte? You ok baby?"

The woman asked gently. Maggie quickly explained the situation. The woman frowned, watching tears falling from her girlfriend's eyes.

Maggie attempted to get Y/n to leave. But Charlotte quickly stopped her.

"Maggie can you leave? I need a minute with Y/n.. please"

The assistant hesitantly nodded, leaving the two women.

Y/n sat down on the floor with her girlfriend, then laid down next to her.

"I don't think I can do this job anymore.. all of these... politicians are assholes that don't care for anything but money.."

Y/n hums softly, letting Charlotte speak. Charlotte sniffled softly, a little sob escaping her lips.

"I know it's hard babe.. that's why you're good at your job"

The blonde looked at her partner, with slight confusion.

"You have always cared for what was right for the country, the people and the world. I think, you were placed on this earth to balance out all of the assholes, and look fabulous while doing it"

The woman laughed, eyes still teary. Y/n sat up slightly, leaning in her elbow as she looked down at the woman.

"But that also means that you put pressure on yourself. You need to find a way of just.. letting it all go, even if only for a short while."

Charlotte thought about it for a minute,nbefire sitting up abruptly, eyes fixed on Y/n.

"I want to do molly with you.."

Y/n's eyes widened. She sat up quickly, but chuckled softly, tucking hair behind Charlotte's ear.

"I'm not sure about that honey.."

"Why not? We could smoke it together.. take turns puffing it like a sexy movie." Charlotte tried to barter.

Y/n smiled lovingly. "You don't smoke it baby.. it's a little pill."

The candidate pouted leaning closer to her love.

"Pwease.. I promise it will only be a one time thing"

She tried to do her best puppy eyes. Y/n softly sighed. Shaking her head before looking at Charlotte.

"I'll make a call and see what I can do, but no promises Lotte ok?"

The woman smiled brightly and nodded quickly before pulling Y/n into a quick kiss.

"Thank you!"

Y/n smiled, pulling back from the kiss. "You're so lucky you're cute and I can't say no"

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