Found; Queen Ravenna

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A snowstorm had sit the kingdom, the ground covered in the soft white powder.

Wanting to take advantage of the quiet, Ravenna strolled through the usually green, flush forest close to her stone confines.

As she stepped deeper into the vast snow covered fields, she saw a stag as white as the snow upon which it stood, sniffing and gently nuzzling something.

Cautiously, she approached. As she got closer, she found a woman. Skin almost blue and blistering from the cold. Ice forming on her lashes and hair.

Although a cold hearted killer queen, something in the woman told her to help the woman whom was seemingly already deceased.

"Guards!!" She cried out, kneeling down to the cold woman. As quickly as she called, a group of eight heavily armoured men appeared, swords raised and ready.

"Take her to my chamber. And light every fire in the castle."

The soliders nodded and carefully pulled up the freezing body, taking her to the requested destination, the Queen close behind.

When the woman awoke, she found herself on the softest bed she had ever laid on. Looking around, she saw a blonde woman poking at a large fire.

Slowly she sat up. The sound of moving fabric caught the attention of the well dressed woman before her.

Ravenna turned around. Coming face to face with the one blue woman.

"You live then?" Ravenna spoke with a soft yet worried tone.

The woman nodded, realising who was infront of her.

"Go you have a name? Or a voice for a matter of fact?"

"Y-Y/n.. you majesty"

Ravenna smiled before walking over to Y/n. Once close enough her wrapped her large fur blanket around Y/n's shoulders.

"You were close to death out there. Tell me, why were you out in a snowstorm?"

Y/n gazed into the frosted eyes of her queen as she answered.

"I had been on my way here actually.."

Ravenna's eyebrow quirked. "Continue.."

"My family abandoned me, they had attempted to arrange a marriage to some rich man a few villages away.. but when I confessed to....loving women.. they threw me out to die.."

Y/n looked away, but continued.

"I thought that rather than die out in the wild, I would die at your hand. I thought that you could end me instead and benefit from my passing."

Ravenna was shocked. Not that this woman was abandoned, or that she preferred women. But that she would rather die by her hand that go out on her own.

"I will not end you." Ravenna replied.

Y/n sighed shakily. "What I will do, is take you in as my hand maiden. You will live her and work."

Y/n looked up at the queen, tears in her eyes.

"Thank you.. you truly are an excellent ruler."

Ravenna smiled softly, placing her hand on Y/n's knee.

Over the years, the two women became close. The two began to share glances, lingering on eachother across rooms.

The two would share soft touches that felt like fire under their skin.

Before one night, on a night similar to the day they met as the snow fell, as Ravenna sat looking out with Y/n brushing her long golden hair, the Queen turned towards that maid and stood.

"What is wrong my queen?" Y/n asked, placing down the comb she had been holding.

Ravenna stepped closer to the woman, a hand raising and laying on Y/n's chest.

"Do I own you Y/n? Do I own your heart?"

Y/n placed her hand on top of the queen's, a smile on her face.

"Of course my queen, I belong to you and no other. But I must ask, do I own yours?"

Rather than answering, Ravenna lent closer to the maid, pressing her body into the window sill. Their bodies pressed together.

"You are the only person, I will get down on my knees for, the only one I will offer the power over me to."

"Prove it.. get on your knees"

Ravenna looked into the eyes of the woman, before slowly raking her nails down Y/n's body as she knelt on the ground, looking up with lust filled eyes.

"Take Me... I am at your mercy.. Y/n"

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