Loyalty? ; Queen Ravenna

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For years, Finn and Y/n fought for the love of their Queen.

Finn, as her brother thought he was owed it. That it was his automatically.

Where as, Y/n was her head of guard. Personal Knight to the queen and lover.

However, this fight came to an end when Finn failed his Queen.


Ravenna stormed around the large fire pit in the middle of the room. Finn although standing tall, shook slightly at the angered expression on the face of his sister.

"How is it, that an innocent young girl makes a fool of my brother!"

She screamed, eyes wide with rage.

"Armed only with a nail. Had that been a sword, she'd have taken my kingdom."

She spoke, staring at her younger brother, neither hearing the sound of dark heavy metal boots hitting the stone of the long walk way to the throne room.

"Bring me, the King's daughter. And you let her slip through your tiny little fingers."

She stepped closer to him, anger radiation from her.

"How! You swore that you would protect me. You swore! Now there's no one I can trust! No one, no loyalty. No loyalty! None! Not even from you! Where is she!!"

The steps stopped at these words, the person just stood and listened. Blood dripping off the armor worn.

Finn, with puppy like eyes answered. "She was chased into the dark forest..where the men lost her"

Ravenna raised her hand quickly, bringing it down onto the cut face of her brother.

"She's no good to me in the dark forest! Lost!"

As she hit her brother, he fell to the ground.

"I need her heart! You failed me, Finn!"

"Have I not give all to you?!" He yelled back at her, confused and scared.

The Queen knelt next to the bowl cut man, almost calmly.

"Have I not given you, all?"

Without an argument Finn caved.

"Yes sister." He muttered, almost seeming to want to cry.

Seeing this, Ravenna' eyes softened slightly.

"Shhhh, quiet" she healed his cut face, before continuing.

"I have no powers, in the dark forest. You have to find me someone, someone who knows it. Someone..who can hunt her."

"That will not be necessary, Your majesty."

A voice spoke. Turning, Ravenna was met by the blood covered face and armor of her lover. Y/n stared blankly at her queen and the brother.

From over her shoulder, she threw off the body of the one and only snow white. Her throat cut open.

Ravenna stood, quickly approaching the body.

"You say there is no loyalty my queen, then what is my purpose."

Y/n stated, stepping away. She looked towards Finn, eyes giving nothing, before walking away. Leaving the Queen with her new found immortality.

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