That said.. ; Charlize Theron

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"Here to pay tribute to Miss Charlize, Co star, actor and producer Y/n Y/l/n!"

I smiled as I walked out onto stage, waving to the audience, and to Charlize's table at the back.

Once stood in the middle of the stage, I blew a kiss to the woman of the hour before speaking.

"When Charlize and I were shooting our movie, I hadn't ever acted in a movie of my own making. Sure I have voiced character but most people will only know me from voicing along side my brother Seth Macfarlane in family guy as a couple of drunk or high animals" I laughed softly.

"Then again, anyone next to Charlize looks like a drunk animal."

People laugh, including Charlize. I smiled again.

"While I was exited to work on this movie, I was extremely nervous, but I couldn't let the crew know this, especially when they expect you to know what you're doing."

I looked at Charlize, administration in my eyes.

"But, I got very lucky. I found that I could always go to a certain lady for advice whenever I needed it. This woman not only helped me as a director of a movie, as an actor. But as a person. Even after we had finished she would give me advice. Which to this day, I will forever cherish."

From where I was stood, I could see tears in her eyes, while everyone clapped.

"While working with this amazing woman I found not only an amazing co-star, possibly my favourite person to direct, but I found a lifelong friend. And I will always be thankful to you, Charlize, for even wanting to be apart of my crazy and stupid stories."

The audience cheered once again. Seth rogan said something which made her laugh. Smirking, I held up a finger. "That said..."

"Oh boy" I heard Charlize say into the microphone on her table.

"While on set for said movie, in the middle of basically nowhere, Charlize suggested I take a B12 shot."

I glared over at her lovingly before continuing.

"So, I got the damn shot. From someone who was supposedly a local medic... I ended up with a large bruise that covered almost my whole upper right arm. When she was this, Miss Theron took like a fish to water when it came to punching it with all of her might."

Charlize lent back in her chair, cry laughing.

"When I would yelp out, she would reply suck it up princess!"

I laughed. "So While to many people she is the fantasy woman of their dreams, to me she is the abusing alcoholic father I never had."

Everyone stood up and clapped as I did a bow, blowing another kiss to Charlize before walking off stage.

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