Baby? ; Queen Ravenna

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Y/n hummed softly as she rubbed her pregnant belly. A soft smile on her face as she looked out of the window of her small cottage, snow beginning to fall.

"Mother? What are you doing?" Asked her first born, eyes full of curiosity and wonder.

Y/n smiled at her daughter, turning towards her and kneeling on the ground.

"Oh my sweet Ravenna, I am just thinking about how lucky I am."

Ravenna waddled over, placing her small hands onto her mother's belly.

"Why are you lucky mother?" Y/n chuckled, running her hand over her daughter's hair.

"I am lucky, because I have an amazing, talented and Beautiful daughter, and another miracle on the way. I am lucky, because I have the family I had always wished for my golden raven"

The blonde child still seemed slightly confused, but nodded as she took in her mother's words.

She looked at her mother's belly again.

"Sooooo... baby in here?"

The mother laughed sweetly, causing Ravenna's eyes to brighten. "Yes my sweet girl, baby is in here, but soon she will be out here with us."

Ravenna stared intently at the growing belly of her idol. When she felt a strange feeling against her small hand.

"Oh!" She quietly said, pulling her hand away confused.

"She did something weird mother!" Ravenna muttered, Y/n stood and moved to the small kitchen table, sitting down with a gentle 'oof', before picking up her daughter and holding her close.

"She can hear you talking my raven, she kicked her tiny little foot so you would know she hears you."

"She can hear me? How?"

Y/n smiled, and began telling her daughter a magical reason behind it all.

Ravenna jumped from her seat and placed both hands onto the belly, before speaking into it.

"Hello baby sister. I promise to always look after you and love you!"

Y/n sadly smiled, and kissed her child's head.

It was times like this, she wished she couldn't see the future.....

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