Later never comes; Lady lesso

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"Why do you hate Christmas so much Lesso! It's the most magical time of year!!"

Leonora sat at her desk annoyed, rolling her eyes at her bubbly counterpart.

"None of your business, princess. Its a horrid holiday."

Dovey became angry. Fire in her eyes.

"Fine, if you won't tell me, looks like you're past will show me"

Dovey began to cast her spell. As Lesso saw this she panicked.

"Dovey don't you dare!!"

But it was too late, the two deans were pulled through time in a spiral of colours, Lesso's memories flying past. Until a harsh stop.

Looking around, The redhead saw a familiar castle grounds. Snow falling.

Dovey looked around confused, but then heard laughter. The two turned, and saw a younger Leonora running through the snow chasing after a young y/h/c woman.

The dead for good looked at her friend, and saw love fill her eyes and a smile on her face.

"Who is that lesso?.." she asked softly, not wanting to ruin this moment.

Lesso kept watching the scene play before her.

"Long before you came here, the dean for good was a woman called Y/n.. we were both young when we got our jobs. But she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.."

The two watched as the young redhead grabbed the other woman around her waist, pulling her into her chest, arms wrapping around her.

The young woman being held giggled and snuggled into the evil Dean.

"She was the love of my happily ever after.."

Soon the scene changed, leading them to Lesso's office. Where they found the Redhead doing paper work, Rafal over her shoulder.

Lesso looked down, Dovey looked on shocked.

"Rafal promised me I would be able to have my happy ending with her.. if I did his bidding.. he would protect us and provide security... somethings I couldn't give her at the time.."

A knock at the door was heard, followed by a voice.

"Leo? My evilness?" The memory looked up at the door, but Rafal pushed her head back to her work, a tutting motion following.

"I-i haven't seen you in so long my love... I'll come back later..."

Lesso walked to the door, but dovey held her shoulder.

"You cannot change the past Lesso.."

The two moved through time once again, but now, it was just Lesso.

Y/n stepped through the door, with hope in her y/c/e.

"My Leo? You're still working?"

Young lesso looked up, an annoyed expression on her face.

"Yes, I am Y/n." The future Lesso cringed at herself.

"Oh.. I was hoping we could talk about.. us my love.."

Lesso groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Later, Y/n.. i promise but for now I am extremely busy."

With a sigh, the dean for good turned to the door, but stopped.

" more later"

She turned once again. Slowly approaching the desk.

"When we first met
Your heart was free
Your hopeful eyes
Saw only me

Now you're looking for something
Something I can never be
When you are really
All I need

You keep on telling me "later"
But "later" never comes around
Please stop telling me "later"
As you search for what just can't be found

Take my hand
Come with me now and we'll fly free
No more "later", we both know that's a lie
Don't let be this the day I say


Lesso noticed time slow down as Y/n shoved everything off of her desk, until it all stopped.

In a second of vulnerability, Lesso sighed softly.

"When you met her
You were set free
Her love for you
Was plain to see

You kept looking for something
A measure of security
But she was really
All you'd need"

She gently ran her hand down Y/n face. As soft as she remembered...

Dovey watched with sad eyes as her friend's heart broke, for what seemednlike the second time.

"You kept on telling her "later"
But "later" never comes around
Please stop telling her "later"
Stop searching for what can't be found

Take her hand
Go with her now and you'll fly free
No more "later", we both know that's a lie
This will be the day she says

She slammed her hands onto her own desk, making time start once again.




Dovey watched at the memory Of lesso stood and picked up the things, before kissing the top of Y/n head.

"Later ok?"

With these words, the young lesso moved to the door. The older woman running after herself.

"No! Please there is not later!" But it was too late..

Dovey watched at the dean before her began to cry, removing a beautiful gold and red ring from her finger, once she now realised Lesso wore around her neck, hidden under her coat.

"Goodbye... Leonora"

The memory faded, until the two were back in the office in present day.

Lesso let out a shakey breath.

"Now you know.. why I hate this time of year.."

"What happened..After all of that?"

Lesso pulled the ring from her coat.

"She disappeared.. left her letter of resignation and a Goodbye note.. you came not long after she vanished.."

"Do you miss her?"

Lesso let her tears fall, pulling open a draw in her desk. Inside, a picture of the two young deans.

"Every day of my life"

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