For you to love me: Furiosa

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Y/n stood as Furiosa yelled at her for the 8th time that day.

The first few times, Max and the others attempted to step in and help, but it didn't help.

Furiosa was furious. Y/n did nothing but annoy her.

She had been following her for years, being her little sister and only family. But lord did Furiosa dislike her most of the time.

"You are so fucking annoying!" She screamed into Y/n's face.

The younger of the two just took it, she didn't want Furiosa to harm anyone else. She could take it, she had done for years.

"I.. HATE you! So much Y/n!"

The younger one flinched. She never flinched around her sister before.

Y/n kept her head down, eyes locked on the sand as it blew over her boots.

"What!? Not going to answer me?!" Furiosa snarled, eyes filled with anger as Y/n began to tremble.

When Y/n slowly looked up, tears ran down her reddening cheeks.

A sniffle following as she looked up at her sister.

"All I ever wanted...was for you to love me.." she whispered before shuffling away. Finally giving up.

All the anger and irritation she felt melted away, turning into guilt.

Shock and regret taking over Furiosa's expression as her little sister disappeared into the desert.

Charlize Theron imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now