Plane ; Andy

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Y/n watched amused as the newest immortal to her and her wife's army attempted to take charge while Andy slept.

Nile looked over at her, gun in hand as she ordered the pilot to land the large plane.

"What are you looking at? Huh?"

Y/n shrugged, a smirk on her lips. "You really don't know who you're fucking about with kid."

Nile dug the barrel of the small hand gun into the side of Y/n head. "I don't give a shit who I'm fuckin with. He is gonna land this plane"

Y/n laughed, shaking her head. Not fazed by the gun at all.

Irritated, Nile walked back to the pilot. Not long after, Andy attempted to turn in her sleep, only for her arm to pull back. Looking at her wrist she sees she has been basically shackled.

"Oh how nice of you to finally wake up my love" Y/n said, her own eyes closed.

Andy saw that Y/n was also shackled in but was not making an attempt to get out. She was just chilled.

Looking towards the front she sees Nile and the gun.

After convincing the girl to let her out, Andy proceeded to kick Nile's ass and break her arm which healed quickly.

Andy smiled amused at Nile, finally seeing the girl's potential.

"Hey as nice as this fight was and extremely sexy my love, can you let me the fuck out now? My ass hurts"

Andy quickly looked at her wife of over 6000 years.

"Oh shit, sorry" she quickly untied her wife.

"Wow, even after 6000 years together, you still forget me when you have your fun"

"I-Im sorry?! How long?!" Nile yelled. Y/n rubbed her wrists and cracked her neck before walking past Andy (leaving a kiss on her shoulder) to sit on the co pilot seat.

"6000 years. We died for the first time together. Woke up around the same time, since then we bonded and now; here we are."

Y/n smiled listening to her wife open up a little.

"Where she goes, I go. That's how it's always been and will always be."

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