Mirror mirror ; Queen Ravenna

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The final face to face. Snow White stood before her step mother, sword in hand as Ravenna stared deep into her soul.

"Come, and avenge you're father. Who was too weak to raise his sword"

Snow yelled, charging towards the blonde with her sword raised. Only to be effortlessly knocked to the ground.

The two continued to fight, snow being overpowered by her stepmother.

"Beauty has pushed you to far Ravenna.. all this because of a mirror"

The evil queen laughed. "I never hated you, for you're looks, snow white. I hate you, for living when my own child could not"

With these words, Ravenna raised her dagger. Quickly, Snow White yelled to the mirror.

"Mirror mirror on the wall who is truly the fairest of them all!"

At these words the dripping form of the mirror appears. The deep monotone voice speaks.

"The fairest of them all.. The blood of undoing.. is but a lost child of you who is brewing"

At these words, Ravenna stands and rushes to the mirror.

"Who is this lost child? Answer me!"

The mirror pauses, before speaking again.

"A child lost of your own blood. A child filled with nothing but pure familial love"

The blonde stood staring wide eyed at the gold spector her heart in her throat.

"What is this child called"

"The child's name is one you must speak. For you gave the name of this child when she began to blink."

She released a shuddered breath. "Y/n...she's alive?.."

The mirror nods. Raising a golden hand and pointing out of the window.

"She lives in a kingdom doused in snow.. where your sister is on the throne."

As Ravenna looked into the Mirror, Snow slowly walks up behind her and stabs her.

The blonde gasps out, falling to the ground infront of the mirror. She slowly looks towards snow, tears in her fading eyes.

"All I wanted.. was my daughter.."

Before, she fall limp and unmoving, her hand on the bottom of the spector.

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