Triple; Lorraine broughton

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Lorraine sat drinking her wine across from her wife of a year, Y/n playing with Lorraine's hand.

As the blonde drank, Y/n asked her a surprising question.

"Why didn't you tell me you are a triple agent?"

Lorraine's eyes widened, spitting out her wine.

"H-huh w-what do you mean my love?"

Y/n sighed softly, pulling out a letter.

"I received this, from a man called percival"

Lorraine grabbed the letter, inside it was the list from a familiar watch. Stating who Sachel was. Lorraine's name and the agencies she worked for.

She sighed softly.

"How long have you known?" She asked, dropping the fake English accent. Y/n shrugged, looking away.

"I got this letter before you came home, before you asked me to marry you.."

Y/n dropped the spy's hand gently.

"Do you love me, Lorraine. Or is this just another mission. Because I don't know what is truth anymore."

The spy finished her wine, before sighing again. Her eyes glued to the table infront of them.

"It started, as a mission to get information on you and your family."

She couldn't look up at her wife, ashamed of herself.

"You and your family are one of the most wealthy families in Britain, and have connections all across the world to some dangerous people.. the CIA sent me here to get into MI6 and another agency.. hoping to get inside and find out what you were all doing.."

When she looked up, she saw Y/n with her arms crossed, a hurt expression on her face.

"But then I met you in person. And while getting to know you, I realised that I couldn't do anything. I wouldn't do anything that would hurt you."

"That isn't love Lorraine, that is just pity."

Y/n stood, tears in her eyes. "I love you, Lorraine. But I don't even know you"

She stepped away from the table, leaving her wife alone in their kitchen while she got in a car, and drove away.

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