Fred's sister ; Charlotte Field

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Y/n smirked watching Fred try and flirt with Charlotte.

Charlotte and Fred continued to go over Fred's article about the running senator and her true self.

Well, Charlotte continued, Fred just tried to flirt.

Y/n walked through the large conference room towards her little brother and her secret girlfriend.

"How's it going you two?" Both of them looked up at her and smiled, Fred giving a 'what are you doing here?' Look.

"Y/n! When did you get here?" He asked, awkwardly.

"Oh, in the building or in here?" 

"Both!" He asked annoyed.

Y/n just smiled and walked towards Charlotte.

"Hey baby" Y/n muttered softly with a smile. Charlotte smiled lovingly back at her.

"Hey love" Charlotte murmured back, tilting her head for a kiss.

Fred's jaw dropped. Eyes wide.

When the two women pulled away from the kiss, Y/n looked upnat her baby brother.

"I've been in the building the whole time. I was stood at the door for about 20 minutes."

"Wh-wha.. you and Charlotte?!" Fred stammered.

Charlotte chuckled and pulled into her side, the y/h/c woman playing with the former secretary of state's hair.

"Y/n and I have been together for a year or so now. After I reconnected with you at that party a while ago, I decided to contact you're sister just to see how she was.. and well, now we're here."

Fred's eyes remained wide. How had his sister gotten the girl he'd been trying to impress for so long without even trying?!

Y/n just smiled at her brother. She turned Charlotte's head back to her and lent down to her ear.

"I would like to have a.. personal.. meeting with you in our hotel room when you're free.. madame president."

She whispered softly, nibbling the senator's ear softly before pulling away and standing straight.

"I have business to get to, but I will see you both later. Have fun you two."

She winked at her woman before swiftly leaving.

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