Queen takes king : Queen Ravenna

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The gentle glow of the fire lit the large room. Embers of light dancing across the chess board as a game was taking place.

Ravenna sat in her chair across from her husband, hair cascading half down her back, half down her shoulder.

She gently moved a pawn across the board. The king looked at his wife, a questioning look on his face.

"A mere pawn?"

Ravenna leaned back in her seat, eyes locked onto him.

"A humble pawn, can bring down kingdoms."

She paused, tilting her head. Her long, slender leg rising, a foot grazing against the man.

He huffed, she continued.

"Stop distracting me" He said. She chuckled. Meanwhile, in the shadows of the room behind Ravenna was a figure. His sister Y/n. She merely watched. Eyes following every movement of the blonde woman's body.

Alas, the feeble minded man smiled and moved his king before looking back to his wife.

"Poor little pawn; mean old king, so sad"

She slowly arose from her relaxed position, eyes again locked on her husband.

"But the final say. Well;"

She slowly raised a clawed hand, looked to the board. As the Kings sister slowly approached.

"The Queen, will have that." She speaks as she moved her queen. He looked at her with curiosity.

Y/n is soon directly behind her. Her hand slowly wrapping around her throat from behind. Ravenna stared the man down.

"Queen takes, king" As the blonde placed a claw onto his piece, he gasped out in pain. Clutching his chest as blood pooled at the base of the chess piece.

Y/n smiled wickedly, kissing her lover's neck as her brother died slowly.

The witch's stare intensified, before she closed her eyes and let the piece fall. Panting out slightly both from the surge of power, and lust.

Y/n removed her hand slowly. Trailing it down Ravenna's back as the woman stood, leaning over the board to her dying husband.

"And you thought this was just a game" Ravenna moved away from the table, slowly walking towards her mirror.

Y/n smirked, leaning down to her brother's ear.

"Checkmate, dear brother. I'm sure Ravenna and I will take good care of the kingdom. It seems you, are just a mere pawn"

As she muttered these words, the king fell dead. The chess board falling to the ground. Until two pieces slid across the floor and to the women's feet.

A white Queen, And a black Queen.

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