But he did

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I was shocked at that moment, what exactly could I say? Nothing, nothing would make this right - the situation seemed impossible to win in. Oliver looked stunned too, instead of smirking his eyes were glazed over probably picturing himself homeless.

"Tina?" Zack's voice was to loud and demanding to not reply, and as it was directed at me I knew that with the teacher emotionless next to me I was going to have to play grown up.


He didn't even let me finish before he snapped "If this is what it looks like I am seriously going to deck out history teacher."


I wish I could tell you Zack controlled his rage, I also wish I could tell you nobody got hurt. But this was real life not a censored children's show.

Zack charged forward, his arms raging as his face got redder and as my best friend of years was ready to hit the man I had known for only a short time I mad a choice- a choice which resulted in me jumping in front of Oliver and therefore me getting a punch in the face.

As soon as I landed on the ground, everything started hurting. I wasn't sure if Zack pushed and punched or Oliver had pushed me out of the way after the force but either way my head hit the ground and life soon set in. Maybe it was the fact my head felt worse than the morning after vodka shots, maybe it was the fact my vision was as blurry as after spinning for ten minutes or maybe it was the fact I couldn't move my face without the side of my cheek not being in pain.


"Don't fucking touch her."

"Look Zack I get that you don't like me but-"

"You fucking well come near her and I will actually call the police. Because I will have murdered you."

"Can we just get her up and get her inside before you start threatening me?"

"Fuck the fuck off."


"You did what?"

I couldn't believe my ears. I was sat on the couch, my couch, staring up at Zack who's cheeks were still as red. After hearing snaps of a conversation I had lost hold, drifted off and awoken here where Zack had woken me with news which soon snapped me out of my feeling sorry for myself because of my cheek mood.

"I told the asshole he needs to leave you alone. And he agreed."

I couldn't even move. Zacks first question had been a concerned 'are you ok?' The next had been 'you stupid little girl', he had lectured me on the implications of even thinking of a teacher let alone kissing one. Then shouted at me what my parents would do. And then he had whispered that he was furious with me for keeping it a secret, which had me sat on the couch like a toddler who had drawn on the walks in crayon.

But then Zack broke his own little news. "I spoke to him, and I'm not blind I do get that he cares for you and shit but you both know its wrong. He's nineteen, your sixteen - that goes against the two year code. Also the fact he's the teacher for us kind of makes it illegal, which you are aware would make him serve a sentence and be put on the sex offenders list? I get it, you both want each other and the thrill of sneaking around, I have been there and it's fun it's sexy but do you know what's not? When people find out. Nobody will ever look at you the same, the girl who snogged her history teacher is all you will ever be. I told him; either he choose to right the wrong and stop this or I will."

"Zack you aren't helping you are actually running my life." I snapped, how could someone do this? It didn't feel real: I felt sick. I couldn't face it, Oliver couldn't be gone. He just wouldn't leave. Not now, we're so happy he just can't go!

"He agreed, he said he knows its a mistake and in a way a blessing I stopped you two. No matter what it's not going to be a normal relationship now is it? Introducing your parents when they know who he is, all our friends and his family and-"

"I don't care what they think. It's our relationship it has nothing to do with them." This cannot be happening. No. Oliver can't just leave. This can't happen. This won't happen, he has to be joking or lying to Zack. He wouldn't just leave me.

"Tina, I know you think I'm the bad guy here but I am saving you from yourself..."


He wouldn't just leave me.

He would of come round after Zack had stopped lecturing me and told me we just had to be more careful.

He would of rang me up asked me to meet him.

He would of found a way.

He would of tried.

He would of fought for me.

He wouldn't just leave me.

But life isn't a Hollywood movie. What if he's your Romeo but you aren't his Juliet? What if you need saving but he's not your saviour? What if you want him but he doesn't?

Then you end up like me, sat in my bedroom. No music on, no TV, no distractions. Not crying, not angrily throwing a tantrum - just sitting there processing.

I had my phone next to me, but nothing. Not a beep off him, the one text I got in the hour was of Zack who just angered me more. I kept waiting, waiting for him.

He wouldn't just leave.

But he did.

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