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This is tiny and I know. But on wednesday I had the school gig thing to go to and Thursday my mum was having an operation and today I had been playing nurses by looking after her. Hope to update pretty soon. Thank you!

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It means so much when you do!

Ever been in the totally innocent situation where you have your teachers tongue is in your mouth and the doorbell rings making you jump?

Well that was the totally normal circumstances I had found myself in, jumping apart Mr O'Miles and I both looked like a gun man was menacing at the door- well an awkward lanky guy holding out a bag full of my Chinese food.

"Oh, uh, thanks." I stuttered as I grabbed hold of the credit card on the side and managed to get my wobbly legs over to the man and away from the man who had taken a step back and was running his hands through his hair.

After having to repeat the card transaction three times because of the fact my mind was two meters behind and was getting cozy with Mr O'Miles, once the man had left- Mr O'Miles was sat patiently on the bottom step of the stairs looking at me expectantly.

"You hungry?" I offered with a slight shrug.


"No Way!" I laughed as I swallowed down the mouthful of salted sea weed, my cheeks were almost hurting from all the genuine smiles and laughter that had graced my face.

"I am not even lying, I used to say my dog ate it and he would believe it." Mr O'Miles promised to me, a twinkle in his eye as he took another bite of a rib "I swear down."

"Your maths teacher really beloved you?" I doubted it, though the Electronics teacher at my school now who once believed someone when they said it was a half day so he let the whole class go gone.

"I tried it out on my French and i got detention." Mr O'Miles reminded himself, as he put the empty bone in the empty silver carton, and took a sip out of the coke can. "Tina how much did you order food wise? Bloody hell."

"You took French?" I asked ignoring him as he pretended to size up how much food was on the living room floor which we were both sprawled on with the food right bang in the middle of us. "Speak some!"

"No." Mr O'Miles coughed, looking slightly nervous. "Can I try some of that sea weed I have never had that before."

Snatching up the silver paper trey with the salted green food, I laughed. "Not until I get some French out of you, mister."

"Really Tina?" Mr O'Miles gave me a fake stern look before giving an over dramatic sigh of defeat. "Bonjour. Now give me the food."

"Bonjour?" I repeated in a heavy fake French accent that sounded more like 'Bon more'. "Everyone knows bonjour, come on!"

"Eugh, J'maple Oliver O'Miles." Mr O'Miles grunted, obviously trying to hide the smile which was taking over his mouth.

I pretended to think about it for a moment before letting out a girlish giggle and making a buzzer sound. "Wrong Answer!"

"Really? That was the wrong answer?" Mr O'Miles quizzed letting out a laugh, not a snicker or rare chuckle, a genuine happy laughter left his mouth with his whole face lighting up. "And what would be the right answer?"

"Make a sentence up...with my name in it!" I ordered, standing up and holding the silverg dish at the furthest point from him with my arm stretching out behind me.

"Hmmm.... je deteste mademoiselle riley." Mr O'Miles laughed again pushing himself up of the floor and towering over me slightly with soft facial features.

"No way!" I cried, putting my back to the teacher who was still slightly laughing at his totally unfunny joke.

"Tina, oh, fine then."

Suddenly I was scooped up from the behind with sea weed flying every where from the tray which had escaped my grasp, and was being pulled backwards into a hard chest and then further backwards into a couch- both of us plopping down with me being kept in with two muscular arms around my waist.

"J'aime Miss Riley, J'aime Miss Riley a lot." Mr O'Miles murmured with his mouth slightly nuzzling against the back of my hair, the sensation sending a small butterfly to start fluttering around in my chest.

"A lot?" I scoffed trying to ignore another two butterflies starting to fly around in the bottom of my stomach making my smile even more wider exposing my teeth.

"I forgot the word, okay? And who are you to judge- miss I can't even find Germany on a labeled map?" Mr O'Miles turned on me, making me turn around on him literally- forcing my body up I was slightly kneeled up in between his spread apart legs in a casual motion.

"I didn't take geography for a reason!" I protested, feeling my face lean in a little bit, my eyes darting between his gorgeous captive brown eyes and tempting but equally dangerous lips.

"Because they wouldn't take you?" Mr O'Miles guessed with his world famous smirk on his lips. "I'm surprised you didn't take food tech, with a talent like yours-"

But he never got to finish that sentence, because I had already closed the distance between both our lips and was kissing my history teacher-

Despite the fact we had spoken about school, even the class I was in and he taught, we hadn't spoke about him being my teacher- and it had worked.

Around a hundred butterflies were fluttering around my whole body a million miles an hour bouncing of my skin and sending a small shiver down my spine.

The kiss was gentle, unlike before, less urgent but still as meaningful. You all know what it's like to kiss someone, it's hard to explain- your lips meet and for a moment theirs a small jolt of chemistry before your too destructed to understand the feelings- but kissing Mr O'Miles was different. The feeling and jolt of electricity only got more intense as the seconds passed and our lips move in sync together.


"I had a good night tonight." Mr O'Miles told me straightly as we both stood at my front door, after having quick peck on the lips.

"So did I," I answered honestly and truthfully.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Mr O'Miles smiled to me as he leaned in quickly and gave me a small ad subtle peck on the corner of my lips before sending me a smirkish grin and heading off.

See you tomorrow.

I had just kissed my teacher.

I had just kissed him a lot.

And I now had a million butterflies pounding around making me feel like making a girlish shriek of joy.

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