Caught Out

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I actually have a really good excuse for why I couldn't update- I was on holiday in Tenerife with no wifi and then when I got back the keyboard on my computer broke and it's a touch screen computer so it takes forever to make a sentence do this has been written on my iPod.

Vote and Comment pretty please!


Fumbling in my gold clutch with the dim yellowish glow from the street light, with only a quarter moon lighting the dark sky, I was struggling to find my house keys as I stood on the doorstep. Finally getting my fingers wrapped around it I struggled to fit it right into the key hole, and only when I heard it click I managed to pull the door open.

Once I was stood in the porch I let out a long sigh and started to shuffle through to the hallway before removing my heels and slipping them round my fingers. Walking towards the stairs, I was impressed with how quiet I was managing to be- I had no idea if Mr O'Miles was still in my house, but the sooner I get in my bedroom and under my duvet I could close my eyes and maybe sleep away tonights mistakes.

I was halfway up the stairs when my grasp on one of my golden heels started to struggle- and before I could stop myself or the shoe it practically jumped from my person and started to thump its way down the stairs. Minutes of silent tip toeing in the dark were erased as the shoe got louder and louder on each stair that it plumped down.

And like that the living room door opened wide to reveal my history teacher with a startled expression on his face. As soon as his eyes met mine he frowned instantly and made a small yawn before mumbling.

"Tina?" From the huskiness of his voice and the way he raised his arm to his eyes and rubbed them I could tell I had just woken him up. "What are you-" All it took was for Mr O'Miles to look at the heel on the floor and my dress for him to cut himself off.

"I- Uh," I tried to rack my brain for a good enough reason to be sneaking up the stairs in a short dress and heels when I should be upstairs in bed ill. Not a thing came to mind.

"Bloody Hell" Mr O'Miles looked down and then hissed out, with his eyes looking back at the shoe on the floor, at me, at the large ticking clock and then back at me."You...snuck out?" His dark eyes were narrowing with every word.

"Look, I didn't even- well I did seek out but I wasn't." I stopped myself as I watched Mr O'Miles brown eyes turn into bullets, with were aimed at me. I wanted to deny it and run up to my room, but I couldn't.

Taking a step forward Mr O'Miles jaw clenched as he was now stood in front of the stairs. "Where did you go then?"

"A party." Was all that I could really say. From the way his shoulders were slightly hunched up and his fists clenched the last thing I wanted to be was the pointless girl not answering a question.

Mumbling something under his breath and then speaking louder. "So you pretended to be ill just to go to some party?" From the tone of his voice and the way he shook his head in disbelief I could tell he only had one emotion- total disgust.

"I, uh, it was. Uh, I..." Again I racked my brain and came up short, nothing that I could say would make an effect on that disappointed look on his face.

"Have you been drinking?" Mr O'Miles snapped, his shoulders hunched up a little more and I could feel a small puddle of swear form on the palm of my hands.

"What? No- well yes! But hardly and I'm almost back to normal I only had a few drinks and that was with coke." I tried to think of something, anything to say that would make this better.

"You were drinking at some party when you should of been here." Mr O'Miles stated to himself, even though it was addressed to me. "Anything else?"

Think of something.

"Well?" The man in front of me hardly resembled the man who thought me history.

Something. Anything.

"Liam was there?"

From the way Mr O'Miles nostrils flared, I could tell that had been the worst thing I could of possibly said.

"Well, uh, I only saw him when we were leaving and, uh, turned out he was Josh's village idiot of a brother and you know, he was just there but he didn't say anything about you. Well Josh asked how we knew each other and then Liam said I was good friends with Olly, well that's you. And then we had to rush out or we'd miss the last late bus." Words were now sprouting out my mouth unlike before where they seemed to be on protest.

Mr O'Miles opened his mouth to say something but he stopped himself and rummaged through his jean back pocket and retrieve an iPhone.

"Liam." He barked through the phone, Mr O'Miles eyes still burning a hole through me. "Yeah..Yeah I know...Because I was supposed to be looking after her tonight...Shut up...What? Tell me...Liam, I swear to God...."

For a moment I let my thoughts calm down, Liam had obviously called Mr O'Miles to inform him his pupil (which he had kissed) was at a party. That was all.

"Oh....No look its fine...No...I'll call you later...Bye Liam, and thanks." Mr O'Miles put his phone back in his pocket, his eyes still resting on me.

"Liam called." Mr O'Miles stated in a mono tone voice.

"I heard." I tried to contain any hysterics ready to escape.

"He told me you were at Josh's party." Mr O'Miles said in the same flat tone.

"Uh, yeah." Was it me or was this leading somewhere really bad?

"And how he saw his little brother kissing some girl." Mr O'Miles spat out.

I inhaled a big breath, lost for words I opened my mouth to say something- anything- but nothing could come out.

"And how that girl turned out to be you." The tone of his voice was empty, emotionless- not a hint of any feeling was there.

"Mr O'Miles, I-" My voice was slightly shaky as I moved my foot to start to get closer to my history teacher.

"You know I really thought you were different Tina. You seemed to be the first genuine person I had met in a long time who didn't play games." Mr O'Miles took a step back and like that I went charging down the stairs coming close to him.

"I wasn't! Mr O'Miles, just listen to me!" I cried as my feet got to the ground floor and I was in touching distance of him.

"But you know something?" Mr O'Miles said, his voice cold and hard like his eyes. His voice was much quieter and calmer than mine but it cut right across my frantic voice. "You're just a kid."

"Wait, I-" I took another step forward as Mr O'Miles turned away but he still took another few steps away from me. Running around him and standing in front of him I pleaded again, "Mr O'Miles I know that tonight don't really-"

"You're only fifteen." His voice was so detached. "I was crazy to even think of you as anything other than some...child I was teaching."

"Mr O'Miles," I gasped as his words stung into every aspect of my skin.

"You're just a kid." And like that Mr O'Miles had pushed past me and had opened the front door and slammed it shut.


Thank you if you read this far!

Honestly, this isn't too good. But I know what the next chapter is going to include- by the way the reason Liam told Mr O'Miles is because he's his best friend, not that he's a stirrer or anything!





Totally obsessed with the song- Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen

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