Singing Neighbour (Picture Of Maggie)

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It was now Friday lunch time, with Wednesday being the first day back and yesterday being the day the student teacher made his introduction.  

"So your not coming out this weekend?" Zack pouted as we paid in Booths.

"I won't be able to, my parents are making me unpack and all," I shrugged as I paid the lady for my blueberry muffin.

"Ugh, we were all going to the beach because soon it'll be too cold." Phoebe said with half a starburst in her mouth.

"Well I can next weekend." I reasoned, taking a bite of my blueberry muffin.

Pure heaven! I actually love food more than people.

"Your moving in tonight, right?" Maggie checked.

"Yeah, mum managed to move it the time I get home all the furniture should be in place." I took another bite of my muffin staring at it.

"It won't take two days to unpack, how about coming out on Sunday?" Zack chirped in.

"I'll see, but I have to unpack all my clothes and find places for everything and help the parents." I shrugged.

"Well we'll be out Sunday..." Zack sang.

"Skype me tonight! I wanna we your new room!" Phoebe squealed.

"Oh and me!" Maggie exclaimed.

"Why don't you just come round sunday? Mum will be more willing," I offer.

"Okay, text us all your address," Zack instructs.

"Will do," I nodded, taking a third bite of the new love of my life- seriously people who doesn't like blueberry muffins? Except for Maggie.

"Right, now, who can tell me where the bombs aimed for?" Mr O'Miles asked as about ten hands (all girls with A LOT of make up on and don't know the answer) shot up with fake nails on the end.

I looked out the window, past Annabelle and thought about the house.

It was nice, and it all seemed so perfect- too good. Something has to be up, I mean, when was the last time anything went proper smooth? Never.

But it did look good, and I could just imagine our couch in the living room and our glass coffee table, Max (my border collie who was at the kennels for the weekend) running round the garden, Mum making a cup of tea and watching Dynasty in the kitchen, Dad charging down the stairs. It would be good.

"Miss Riley?" An Essex voice almost teased from in front of me.

I looked up to see everyone was looking at me as mr o'miles called on me.

"Uh...yes?" I mumbled, my face was hot and I could just pictured the flushed tomato look I would be sporting.

"I'm sure that tree outside is very interesting, but can you please pay attention?" Mr O'Miles smirked.

I nodded meekly and looked forward. I honestly did try to take in what Mr O'Miles was saying, but my mind just wondered off to finally being able to get on the internet.

the bell went and I instantly grabbed my bag from under the desk ready to make a break for it.

"Miss Riley?" an Essex voice said.

"The bell went?" I looked up hopefully.

"It's a double period on a Friday." Mr O'Miles smirked.


I climbed into my dads car, greeted my parents as they drove away from school and towards the new house. It was about half an hour away, I was going to be needing to get the bus now. Great.

"We ready?" Mum grinned.

"Come on Sue! It's freezing open the bloody door!" Dad cried.

"way to ruin a moment Syd." Mum rolled her eyes and put the key in the door and opened it.

"We're home kiddo," Dad smiled at me.

"Yeah," I smiled back.

"No ruining these clean carpets with yours and your mothers shoes," Dad commented.

"Oh no! I told them I wanted the recliner chair nearer the wall! And look- the television set isn't even in the right corner!" Mum whined, charging out of the living room.

We walked into the hall way, z the pale wallpaper, light carpets, cold air greeted us.

"Your boxes are upstairs sweetie, I'm going to make some pasta, I'll call you down." Mum instructed heading off into the kitchen.


"You should be done by the end of the night, so tomorrow we can put all the Christmas things in the attic and unpack everything else," Mums voice came from the kitchen.

I looked around the room, in the past three hours I had managed to accomplish a lot. I had put the sheets and bedding on the bed, unpacked most of my clothes into the walk in wardrobe (which I loved!), blue tacked some photos onto the wall, got dad to set up the computer on the desk and put all my random stuff in the drawers built into the wall.

Pulling on my pyjamas, I yelled a goodnight to my parents and climbed into the bed. The silence swallowing me whole.

"She drives me crazy, ooh ooh, like no one else, ooh ohh," I heard a voice sing.

I sat up in my bed, and listened for the voice. I could hear the FYC version playing, sounding like it came from the left side of the house.

I stood up off my bed, and walked towards my bedroom door. No, it wasn't coming from within my house.

"SHE DRIVES ME CRAZY AND I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!" The voice sang again, louder and obviously not trying to edit the flaws in his voice.

I managed to pin point it to not part of my house, it must be my new neighbour. Oh great a heavy music player. Even though I actually like this song, I hope they don't turn out to be one of those 50 year old 'rockers'.

It was a defiantly a males voice, with a rough tone to it, it sounded almost familiar. Probably just like my Uncle Tonys. I climbed back into the bed, and tried to think about getting to sleep.

Shrugging it off, I put my head under the pillow and drifted off even with that song playing and the man on the other side of the wall in the other house joining in with the chorus.

I'd just find out tomorrow who my singing neighbour is. And hopefully convince them to buy heaphones.


Okay, so this is re-written completely! It's going to have the same sort of plot, but a number of things will obviously be different.

Hopefully better than the original!

It's really rushed at the moment, just because I don't want to dwell on the non important stuff but not make it all about the relationship.

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