Beginning of Hell

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(Tw: Cussing, Violent actions, possibly traumatizing events)

Rusalka POV

Pain all over my back and head.The warm atmosphere felt moist.Starting to open my eyes, the sky was red.Slowly getting up I rubbed my eyes, readjusting my vision.
Finally I could see correctly, then I realized I didn't recognize this place.
The sky was never red it was always blue. Getting up from the ground I realized my hands were grey.I was way taller than I was before, so this is what it feels like to be tall huh.Looking at myself I barely recognized myself.My hair was completely different.
Feeling something in my pocket I pulled it out.
It was a piece of paper.Opening the paper it had my name,demon type,and how tall I was.
Me being shocked I was 7'9?I was way shorter in the living world,or I guess my past life.
So I don't go by my old name anymore huh.
At least my new name looks cool.

Walking around the streets I see all different types of...demons?People?Either one their were a bunch of them all gathered around multiple small TV's.
Most of them booing at the screen I decided to take a look.It looked like a female news reporter and some other girl,from the bottom of the screen I could assume that is was the Daughter of hell.Hearing for a bit longer it was a Happy Hotel that they were talking about.Which most of the people didn't think it was a good idea.A few minutes later a fight starts to happen on the news.
Now starting to walk away from the crowded area I heard gun shots.
A war was going on around here,well I didn't know where to go so I kept walking away from the big fight.Unitl I see a skull ball with a fuse.Me realizing it was a bomb.I had quickly
made my way up the wall now on a roof.
Then it had exploded.Now getting a good view of the city I saw where the fight was.It was near by.A big space ship in the sky with a snake and some eggs attacking below.
Wanting to see who this snake was fighting I decided not to.Who knows what happens when you die in this world.
Do you just go to double hell?Eh I don't think I have to worry about that.

After chilling a about 10 minutes the war was over.I didn't hear anything else besides talking.Me walking out of the ally way I saw two people.Walking the opposite direction I tried to find the hotel.Seeing a big sign it was the Hotel that I was looking for.
I sighed seeing it was up a hill.Five minutes later I had made it up.I was at the door,I was scared to knock on the door.I had quickly knocked on the door.My heart pounding the door had opened.It was the female on the TV
She had seemed very happy.She looked about around 6ft tall.

"Hi! Welcome to the Happy Hotel are you here to stay?"The female had asked

"Yes,I am"I replied back

"Great follow me!"She said happily

She had went behind a counter with paperwork.

"Here,I think you may want to read this before you actually sign in!"She said

She had handed me the paperwork.Me reading each word it was to help you get into heaven.Which I could see why people were booing, but it's worth giving it a shot.

"Sooo, Are you still going to sign in?"She said questioning almost a bit upset.

"....Oh..Yeah,I'll stay"I said quietly

"Great!We just need you to sign here and fill in the information below!"

I took the pen and signed every blank space.
My heart started to pound again,there was a question I wanted to ask but I thought it was a bit stupid.

"Hey, do you think I could have a job here?If available of course"I said my face slightly heating up.

"Oh!Of course we do!We actually just opened up so we don't mind having another person part of our faculty!"

"Okay,thank you"

"Your welcome!Oh I forgot to introduce myself!My name is Charlie Morningstar, Daughter of hell!"

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