No sense

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Rusalka's Pov

Waking up on the couch, tears had ran down my cheeks.Quickly looking around my surroundings no one was here.
Getting up, my body sore from passing out too much.Walking to the elevator I heard a door bust open.
Turning around I saw people with guns.


I heard one of them say.I Slowly put my hands in the air.

"Make way"

I saw the cops move into a clear path.Only to see Charlie walking down the path.

"H-how could you"I said hyperventilating

"How could I?You know exactly why.Plus this is for your own good!"Charlie explained

"Boys go get her and take her to my father"

They shook their heads and moved towards me.I looked at my surroundings and bolted towards the stairs.

"DON'T LET HER ESCAPE!"Charlie yelled

Going up the stairs I made my way to the roof.
Opening the door I rushed to the edge.Slowly making my way down to a window,I stood there quietly.Trying to hang on without falling.

"RUSALKA YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER!"I heard Charlie yell.

I slowly started to climb down, window to window.Almost slipping I heard a noise.

"Boys check around the edges,we will find her"Charlie said before hearing her walk away.

Looking through each window, I tried to see which room was mine.Taking one more down I saw my room.Slowly I had unbandaged my eye.Now letting it able to use my horns to break in.
Rolling into the room I made a thud noise.
Getting up I got my stuff and put it into a bag.
Before rebandaging I heard loud thuds on my door.
Quickly I had hid under the bed.Surely they didn't suspect a 7ft demon to hide under a bed.Staying quiet I heard the door open.

Charlie said in rage.

Holding my breath I heard Charlie.She was looking around the room.
A few minutes pasted by and she was still here.I was running out of breath.Quietly uncovering my eye I teleported myself somewhere else.
After knowing I got out of there I quickly regained my oxygen back.Covering my eye I took of my crimson flannel off and put my hair up.
Now crossing the street of hell,back where I started.I started to walk somewhere,just the opposite side of the hotel.But not only did I need to get away from the hotel, I also needed to get out of hell.But the only way I could was by trusting Ryan.
I knew the consequences and what would happen but maybe there was a different way out.Going into the woods I went further in.
Hearing branches and leafs crack underneath my boots.
Now just to see a tree splitted into two.It was know as the portal to hell in the living world.
But was it a portal back to the living world?
All I wanted to do was escape this place.Sure earth was hell for me but now this is just worse when the figured out when I am a wendigo.
I guess I have to try before they find me.
I slowly reached my hand between the trees.
Then my legs,then my whole body stood in the middle of the tree.
Slowly I started to feel drowsy... everything had went black.

Next:New vs Old

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